YoYoGames / GameMaker-Bugs

Public tracking for GameMaker bugs
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Code Editor: Responsiveness of pressing keys is now worse in 2024.4.0 #5738

Closed gm-bug-reporter[bot] closed 1 week ago

gm-bug-reporter[bot] commented 2 weeks ago


I use the keyboard keys to navigate more comfortably in my lines of code but this new update of gamemaker is damaged, now when I use the keyboard (up, down, left and right) to navigate in the code there is a delay or I do not respond, For example, if I press the button to go down and quickly press the button to move left or right, the latter do not respond, I have to press them very slowly for them to work, fix that.

Steps To Reproduce

go to a line of code, press the "down" button and then the "right" button quickly and you will notice that the last button will not respond >:(

Which version of GameMaker are you reporting this issue for?

IDE v2024.4.0.137 Runtime v2024.4.0.168

Which operating system(s) are you seeing the problem on?

Windows 10.0.22631.0


YYDan commented 2 weeks ago

Might be unrelated, but I can see that previous GameMaker 2024.4 runs in the ui.log were being repeatedly blocked from opening Explorer (presumably you were trying to open the Help menu and view your ui.log or the project's source folder):

[05:10:03:695(1d47)] Exception in YoYoStudio.GUI.Gadgets.MenuEntry,Void ReleaseButton(Single, Single, YoYoStudio.Core.Utils.eMouseButtons) :    System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (5): An error occurred trying to start process 'explorer' with working directory 'D:\Programas InstaladoWs\GameMaker'. Acceso denegado.
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(String fileName, String arguments)
   at YoYoStudio.IDE.OpenBrowser(String _url, Boolean _sendAnalytic)
   at YoYoStudio.Plugins.MethodContainer.Call(Object[] _args)
   at YoYoStudio.Plugins.Command.execute_object(String _command, Object _focus, Object[] paramaters)
   at YoYoStudio.GUI.Gadgets.Button.ButtonClicked(Boolean _bRightClicked)
   at YoYoStudio.GUI.Gadgets.Button.ReleaseButton(Single _mousex, Single _mousey, eMouseButtons _buttons)
   at WeakDelegate(Object , Object[] )
   at YoYoStudio.Core.Utils.WeakDelegate`1.Invoke(Object[] _args) in D:\a\YoYoStudio\YoYoStudio\YoYoStudio\IDE\Core\Utils\WeakDelegate.cs:line 184

Any chance you have set GameMaker to run as admin with elevated privileges? There is no need to do that, and this might be causing issues with opening other process and therefore slowing things down for you.

Having said that, the original issue here sounds like the change for https://github.com/YoYoGames/GameMaker-Bugs/issues/4941 has had the opposite effect on your PC for some reason...

backYard321 commented 2 weeks ago

I'm noticing that not only am I getting dropped key presses, i'm also getting general stuttering in gamemaker which will even affect my game when it's running. I'm not sure if the latter is the cause of the former.

SmithTom6304 commented 1 week ago

This should now be fixed - we shouldn't get any dropped keys if GameMaker stutters.

alicemoretti commented 2 days ago

Closing this bug as per comments.

However, none of us in QA experienced this issue so if it is still happening for you please re-open the issue and add updated information.

Thank you.