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Vertex Index (Element) Buffer Suppourt #5768

Open coyo-t opened 1 week ago

coyo-t commented 1 week ago

Is your feature request related to a problem?

Vertex buffers currently need you to specify every vertex individually. this can create a lot of redundant data, even for simple quads. it also makes manual primitive drawing code much harder to read

Describe the solution you'd like

vertex_index(i) and draw_vertex_index(i)


// A simple quad
draw_vertex(-1, -1)
draw_vertex(+1, -1)
draw_vertex(+1, +1)
draw_vertex(-1, +1)

// order isn't important, but makes more sense readability wise to
// write the vertices then the indicies
    0, 1, 2, // triangle 1
    0, 2, 3  // triangle 2

this would also make model formats such as .obj easier to handle (as the format creates faces out of indices into a pool of vertices)

Describe alternatives you've considered

manual index buffers/arrays. It's pretty clunky however (as the vertex data has to be written manually with a regular buffer and then written to a vertex buffer) and doesn't alleviate the redundant data issues an index buffer would help with.

Quads can be drawn using pr_trianglestrip, however this obviously means all quads must be connected to each other.

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