YoYoGames / GameMaker-Bugs

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Stabilty: GM crash when importing a character into "Astone" project #7580

Open gm-bug-reporter[bot] opened 3 weeks ago

gm-bug-reporter[bot] commented 3 weeks ago


I hoped I could add my wholesome character, but I couldn't because of the crash...

Which version of GameMaker are you reporting this issue for?

IDE v2024.8.0.169 Runtime v2024.8.0.216

Which operating system(s) are you seeing the problem on?

Windows 10.0.22631.0


YYDan commented 3 weeks ago

I don't actually see anything logged for the crash, so we will need to check the crash dump fully to determine why GameMaker crashed.

However, I can see that your project folder name is very long, and so it's entirely possible that the issue is simply that you're going over Windows' character limit for file paths when trying to import your sprite: C:\Users\Utente\GameMakerProjects\Astone, The Abyss of the Stone\Astone, The Abyss of the Stone..yyp (and note the .. at the end)

You might want to open the project and then use File > Save As to move it to a shorter path, just to see if that fixes things immediately - e.g., C:\Users\Utente\GameMakerProjects\Astone\Astone.yyp

Another possibility is that an antivirus client blocked GameMaker from saving the new sprite into your project folder, as I could see from your log that you have had occasional issues even opening the project:

[15:41:04:030(1b01)] File exception 'Could not find file 'C:\Users\Utente\GameMakerProjects\Astone, The Abyss of the Stone\Astone, The Abyss of the Stone..yyp'.'
[15:41:04:331(1b01)] Exception in YoYoStudio.Resources.ProjectManager+<>c__DisplayClass16_1,Void <InternalSaveProject>b__3() :    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Error reading the C:\Users\Utente\GameMakerProjects\Astone, The Abyss of the Stone. directory.
   at System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.StartRaisingEvents()
   at YoYoStudio.Resources.FileWatcher.Start(String _path, Boolean _initialScan)
   at YoYoStudio.Resources.ProjectFileWatcher.StartWatching(GMProject _project, String _path)
   at YoYoStudio.Resources.ProjectInfo.<>c__DisplayClass24_0.<InternalLoadProject>b__5(Boolean _success, Exception _serialiseException)
   at YoYoStudio.IDE.<>c__DisplayClass305_0.<SaveProjectIncremental>b__0(GMProject _project, Boolean _isSuccess, Exception _serialiseException)
   at YoYoStudio.Resources.ProjectManager.<>c__DisplayClass16_1.<InternalSaveProject>b__3()
   at WeakDelegate(Object, Object[])
   at YoYoStudio.Core.Utils.WeakDelegate`1.Invoke(Object[] _args)

While we will stop the crash and show a message that the sprite import failed, you might well need to review our Permissions FAQ and follow the steps there before you will actually be able to import the new assets you want to add.

Note that we always link to this guide on the release notes page, as many users need to review their protection settings every time they install a new version of GameMaker, so this may be something you need to do also in future.

stuckie commented 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately, there isn't anything extra in the crash dump either as to what happened.. just a bunch of thread processes waiting to be activated - though curiously, there is no main thread either.

Any additional information would help, if you can provide it, thanks!