YoYoGames / GameMaker-Bugs

Public tracking for GameMaker bugs
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[Android] Partner SDK Integration causes "Application Not Responding" (ANR) #7839

Open shichen85 opened 3 hours ago

shichen85 commented 3 hours ago


We are observing ANR problem for Android export that integrates a partner SDK. We can consistently put the app into the ANR state, but we need your help to further narrow down the cause and find out whether it is a GameMaker issue, a partner SDK issue, or anything in between.

If this issue can be resolved by making changes to the runtime, please do so. If this issue requires changes to the partner SDK, please draft an instruction to them on how to fix the issue. If this issue requires further investigation with the partner, please summarize any useful insights discovered and questions for the partner.

I will open a help desk ticket and paste the link in the comments where we can discuss any NDA contents. Feel free to use that to corresponde or contact me directly on Discord or Email.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Run the project for Android VM under the partner config
  2. When prompted with partner UI login, use the credentials in the attached cred.txt file
  3. After login, the game should automatically starts loading into a gameplay session
  4. After gameplay is loaded, the game will automatically go back to the main menu, where the partner UI button is shown on the top right corner
  5. The game will then again load into gameplay session, and the partner UI button will be hidden
  6. This automatic process will continue endlessly until the game freezes
  7. When the game freezes, the game visuals are still rendered on the screen, and the ANR prompt is not shown unless the partner UI button is tapped
  8. Tap the partner UI button and see the game visuals disappeari into black, and the ANR prompt will show

Which version of GameMaker are you reporting this issue for?

IDE v2024.1100.0.627 Runtime v2024.1100.0.654

Which operating system(s) are you seeing the problem on?

Windows 10.0.22000.0

Which platform(s) are you seeing the problem on?


Attached Files


shichen85 commented 3 hours ago

We have requested the help desk ticket https://help.gamemaker.io/hc/en-us/requests/217849 as we are gearing up for a delivery deadline. Please let us know if you need any more information. Thanks!