Yoast / wordpress-seo

Yoast SEO for WordPress
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New update got my WP-admin totally stuck #2183

Closed 99coins closed 9 years ago

99coins commented 9 years ago

Hey guys, I've just updated to the latest version of Yoast SEO and since then the plugin continuously redirects me to the intro page without allowing me to do ANYTHING on my WP admin. Please look into this as soon as you can. Thanks.

CarolineGeven commented 9 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. Unfortunately we do not have enough information to reproduce this problem. Please answer the following questions so we can try to figure out what is going on and help us reproduce it.

Thanks in advance for providing the above information.

99coins commented 9 years ago

http://99bitcoins.com wp4.1.1 I'm hosted on WP engine Single website I'm trying to disable the plugin from the DB as we speak to see if this resolves it, but it happened the second after updating so I'm pretty sure that's the issue. Here is all of my .htaccess file since I'm not sure which parts you need:

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BEGIN WordPress

RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

END WordPress

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CarolineGeven commented 9 years ago

Could you please let us know which plugins are currently active on your website?

99coins commented 9 years ago

I've currently disabled the plugin from DB and everything is back to normal. I will wait to find out what's the issue before re-enabling. Here is my plugin list

Akismet Autoptimize Bitcoin Ticker Widget
Bunyad Page Builder Bunyad Shortcodes
Bunyad Widgets
Compress JPEG & PNG images
Contact Form 7
CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids
Custom Sidebars External Links
Flyzoo - Live Support & Group Chat
Insert HTML Snippet KingSumo Giveaways
Ninja Pages, Categories, and Tags
Ofir's Fast Redirect
Page Excerpt
Really Simple CAPTCHA
Regenerate Thumbnails
Revolution Slider
Thrive Leads
Ultimate Social Deux
Video SEO for WordPress SEO by Yoast
WordPress Editorial Calendar
WordPress SEO

CarolineGeven commented 9 years ago

Could you create a staging environment for us? As you're with WP-engine, you're able to create a staging area (http://wpengine.com/support/staging/) When you've done this, please give us access by creating a new admin user and then send the username and password to support@yoast.com.

99coins commented 9 years ago

Done: http://bitcoins.staging.wpengine.com/ I've emailed you the details You'll notice that the staging was created before the update so you can see everything will work well and when you update it will get stuck.

bkduper commented 9 years ago

EXACT Same issue - this is horrible...

tacoverdo commented 9 years ago

@bkduper That information really isn't helpful at all. Please provide all the information @CarolineGeven requested above.

CarolineGeven commented 9 years ago

With the help of @99coins we were able to reproduce this issue and are going to work on a fix.

GeekITGirl commented 9 years ago

On which website does this occur?

What version of WordPress are you running?

What kind of webserver are you running (Apache, Nginx,IIS)? Apache

Can you copy paste the relevant part of your .htaccess file? This means: everything regarding redirects and rewrite rules.

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(%2d|-)[^=]+$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*) $1? [L]

BEGIN WordPress

RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

END WordPress

If you remove the plugin folder from /wp-content/plugins, does this solve the issue? Yes

Are you running a multisite or a single site website? Single site

99coins commented 9 years ago

Has this been fixed yet ?

chillybin commented 9 years ago

Got the same issue, rolling back to 1.7.4

simonhampel commented 9 years ago

I have this issue too - running WP 3.9.3

Demitjev commented 9 years ago

Same here too. I know tacoverdo really doesn't like this comments at all, but when one know this is the same issue, I think it is alright to say so :/

tacoverdo commented 9 years ago

@chillybin, @simonhampel & @Demitjev: Can you please answer the questions @CarolineGeven asked above (except for the .htaccess-part)? We'll have to find the one thing you have in common, as we're still unable to reproduce the problem on local development machines.

@GeekITGirl: THANKS! We've been able to rule out .htaccess-settings as a possible cause for the problem.

@ all, could you please paste a list of the active plugins and theme on your website? If you don't want that information out in the open, please feel free to email it to support@yoast.com with a reference to this issue. Thank you all very much for your cooperation :)

chillybin commented 9 years ago

@tacoverdo @CarolineGeven

On which website does this occur? sassymamahk.com What version of WordPress are you running? 4.1.1 latest What kind of webserver are you running (Apache, Nginx,IIS)? apache? wpengine If you remove the plugin folder from /wp-content/plugins, does this solve the issue? yes Are you running a multisite or a single site website? single

Upgrade worked to 2.0 Admin Columns - ACF add-on Admin Columns Pro AdRotate Professional Advanced Custom Fields Pro Akismet BE Stats Disqus Comment System Genesis Simple Sidebars Google Analytics by Yoast Jetpack by WordPress.com Relevanssi Soliloquy UberMenu 3 - The Ultimate WordPress Mega Menu WordPress SEO WP Remote

Upgrade did not work to 2.0, stuck in endless loop. >> are unique plugins to this site Admin Columns - ACF add-on Admin Columns Pro AdRotate Professional Advanced Custom Fields Pro Akismet BE Stats Disqus Comment System Genesis Simple Sidebars Google Analytics by Yoast Gravity Forms Jetpack by WordPress.com Regenerate Thumbnails Relevanssi Search & Replace Soliloquy UberMenu 3 - The Ultimate WordPress Mega Menu WordPress SEO WP Remote

stephendanielkarpik commented 9 years ago

same issue for me installed latest update and update welcome page keeps refreshing and won't let me get anywhere else in admin area

On which website does this occur? elanaspantry.com What version of WordPress are you running? 4.1.1 What kind of webserver are you running (Apache, Nginx,IIS)? Apache Can you copy paste the relevant part of your .htaccess file? This means: everything regarding redirects and rewrite rules.

BEGIN WordPress

RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

END WordPress

If you remove the plugin folder from /wp-content/plugins, does this solve the issue? yes Are you running a multisite or a single site website? no

ghost commented 9 years ago

Temporary solution to deactivate the plugin: http://[yourwebsite.com]l/wp-admin/plugins.php?action=deactivate&plugin=wordpress-seo%2Fwp-seo.php&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s&_wpnonce=304ec9b069 (This is just the 'copy link address' of the deactivate-link on the plugins-page. Hope this works, but I'm thinking that the last number might be site specific?

What I did: View source of plugin page: (copy paste in browser address bar) ---> view-source:http://[yourwebsite.com]/wp-admin/plugins.php Ctrl-F: Wordpress SEO --> then look for the first < span class='deactivate'> after that --> click first link that comes after.

Good luck with the fix guys!

joshleecreates commented 9 years ago

I am getting this same error on WP Engine — If this helps, I did NOT get this error when I activated the plugin on my local development, but after I pushed the updates using WPE's git push to deploy feature, when I loaded the admin area on the production site I am now stuck in this endless redirect loop.

Is there logic in the activation hook that is necessary to prevent the endless loop, and that logic is getting skipped when the plugin is updated via the file system directly?

tacoverdo commented 9 years ago

We've created a beta that should fix this problem.

@joshleecreates (and others), can you please overwrite the WordPress SEO folder with this one, after the problem occurs on your website after an upgrade. Does that solve it?

Download the WPSEO beta here

99coins commented 9 years ago

This update works for me, thanks!

tacoverdo commented 9 years ago

@99coins Thanks a million for your feedback!

I really hope @Quizious, @joshleecreates, @stephendanielkarpik, @GeekITGirl and others will also confirm this solves the problem.

bkduper commented 9 years ago

So just upload JUST this new plugin folder and not the old one right?

tacoverdo commented 9 years ago

In fact, we've just released WordPress SEO 2.0.1, so all you should have to do is update to the latest version!

tacoverdo commented 9 years ago

Since we've received no further reports about this being broken, I'll close this issue. Thanks @99coins for your great help here. We really appreciate it!

lezardrouge commented 9 years ago

I just updated from 1.7.4 to 2.0.1 (official release) and I have troubles with plugin settings. Do I post them here or do you prefer a new issue ?

GeekITGirl commented 9 years ago

@tacoverdo Can now update the plugin, but when activating I get the white screen Admin page. Help please!

joshleecreates commented 9 years ago

@tacoverdo this is fixed for me with the 2.0.1 update, many thanks!