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Conflict with QuickShare Plugin. #2883

Closed pagan11460 closed 9 years ago

pagan11460 commented 9 years ago

Hello, I love Yoast SEO and I use it on all of my websites. But I also use the QuickShare plugin because it is a lightweight sharing plugin. I just found out that there is a conflict between Yoast SEO and Quickshare. On the sites where I've been using Yoast SEO and Quickshare for a while... when I update to the latest version of each site, there's no conflict. But I just tried adding the latest version of Yoast SEO to a new site --- along with Quickshare --- and the only way that I can get the Quickshare bar to display at the bottom of my posts is if I disable Yoast SEO. I believe that the problem lies with Yoast SEO because QuickShare hasn't changed in a while... and past versions of Yoast worked nicely with the same version of QuickShare. I wrote to Nick Haley at CelloExpressions.com to see if he can find the conflict. He responded that he also believes the problem is with Yoast. Can you please help? I use both Yoast SEO and QuickShare on all of my websites in order to keep my sites running fast while being shared and getting found. I rave about Yoast SEO to all of my clients and I really, really, really want to be able to continue to use it. Thanks so much in advance.

Rarst commented 9 years ago

He responded that he also believes the problem is with Yoast.

It would be helpful to get the details of what problem is. :) Unfortunately our capacity to test with everything out there is limited.

pagan11460 commented 9 years ago

Hi Rarst. I don't know what else that I can tell you other than what I said above... that the plugins worked together nicely for years... and that they still work nicely on my older sites that have had both plugins working together for years. If I update Yoast SEO on my older sites that have been running both plugins successfully for years, there is no conflict. But when I set up a new site with both plugins, QuickShare's version 1.5 which hasn't needed updating in quite some time, with Yoast's versions --- 2.33, 2.34... then QuickShare doesn't show up at the bottom of my pages and posts. I read a post from another user who said that he discovered the conflict with QuickShare and Yoast. When he deactivates Yoast SEO, QuickShare starts working again. When he activates Yoast SEO, QuickShare stops working. The same thing happened to me. When I wrote to the QuickShare developer, he responded with:

"Hi, that's definitely a concern if there's a conflict, but it's most likely the fault of Yoast SEO. This plugin does fairly straightforward filtering of the_content, whereas that plugin does countless different things that could cause the basic usage here to break. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the Yoast SEO plugin, I can't try to locate the issue there, but hopefully they can resolve it soon."

Can I do anything else to help you further? Would you like some screenshots? I love the Yoast plugin and I really need to continue using it but I also looked long and hard to find a sharing plugin that was lightweight. QuickShare is lightweight. I use other plugins that are not lightweight so I need to keep using all of the lightweight plugins that I can find. Thanks so much for your prompt reply.

Rarst commented 9 years ago

From a quick try I cannot reproduce your issue, fresh install of version 1.5 of the plugin works fine with my development checkout of Yoast SEO (which is slightly ahead of released version).

Essentially I need any way / instructions that will enable me to reproduce the issue.

pagan11460 commented 9 years ago

Hi Rarst... please see the last response in this link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/share-bar-doesnt-display?replies=5 --- where rogerfrace says that deactivating Yoast SEO helped him when his share buttons weren't visible. Plus, please see: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/social-bar-not-showing?replies=2 -- where lobong says "Oddly in my test site it works just fine. The only difference between the two sites is Yoast SEO is activated on my live site http://www.kitchenfuss.com."

Also, when I started developing this site: http://www.ijdiamonds.com/ --- and I added Quickshare 1.5 and Yoast SEO 2.3.4 to this site earlier this month, as soon as I activated Yoast SEO, my QuickShare sharing buttons stopped displaying. Just to make that the problem was related to Yoast, I deactivated all other plugins but QuickShare and Yoast. It's Yoast that's causing QuickShare not to display. It was this problem that caused me to find the two links above where others had similar issues.

Rarst... do you work for Yoast?

Rarst commented 9 years ago

Please understand that I don't doubt you experiencing the issue. The problem is that issues like this can be caused by very elaborate circumstances.

And the current state of it that I cannot cause this issue just by running these two plugins together. It might be interaction with something else altogether, it might be theme issues, it might be specific combination of settings between the two, and list goes on...

As above our resources for these types of conflicts are limited. In a nutshell I can do my best to fix any problem you come to us with, but I can dedicate very little time to finding that problem.

Rarst... do you work for Yoast?


pagan11460 commented 9 years ago

Can I give you access to my site at IJDiamonds.com? If so, can you send me an email address and I'll set up an admin account for you?

Just to be sure, I deactivated all other plugins once again (except QuickShare) and I switched from the Headway theme to Twenty-Fifteen. When I went to this page --- http://www.ijdiamonds.com/hello-world/ --- with just Twenty Fifteen as the theme and with having QuickShare as the only activated plugin, the QuickShare buttons showed up at the bottom of the page. Then I activated Yoast SEO and hit refresh on this page... http://www.ijdiamonds.com/hello-world/ --- no more QuickShare buttons.

Rarst commented 9 years ago

Ha! I think we are actually getting somewhere. I was looking at posts (which you said initially) and it works with them, but it does disappear at pages, when it occurred to me to compare after you pointed to specific page.

Will look further into it. :)

pagan11460 commented 9 years ago

No... I only have it set to appear on posts. Right now, you're seeing it on posts because I don't have Yoast SEO activated. As soon as I activate Yoast SEO, the QuickShare buttons will disappear. (The link that I showed you above is for a post, not a page.) I'm going to now go and activate Yoast SEO... Ok... it's now activated. Please visit: http://www.ijdiamonds.com/hello-world/ --- see? The QuickShare buttons are now gone... and the only plugins that I have activated are QuickShare and Yoast SEO... with Twenty Fifteen theme activated.

Rarst commented 9 years ago

What I currently observe in my dev install with both enabled:

I have no idea why, but I will look. Tomorrow, since it's kind of getting middle of the night here. :)

pagan11460 commented 9 years ago

Hello again! I understand completely about the hour. Go to bed! :) But meantime... what I currently observe...

archives show buttons fine posts do not show buttons at all pages show buttons when I activate that I want to show buttons via the QuickShare settings

Or... archives show buttons fine posts do not show buttons at all pages don't show buttons when I turn off showing on pages via the QuickShare settings

So... either way, when I've activated that I want pages to show buttons or when I activate that I don't want pages to show buttons... that part works... and the archives work... but the posts don't show the QuickShare buttons... no matter what.

Thanks. Looking forward to hearing from you tomorrow. Good night.

Rarst commented 9 years ago

Ok, so QuickShare plugin uses global $quickshare_in_excerpt variable to set a flag if excerpt was retrieved. If it was then it kills the output. Problem is that it doesn't care about the context where was excerpt called, or how many times, or anything else.

Any plugin that retrieves excerpt data for any purpose will cause that.

Overall — not our problem. :)

pagan11460 commented 9 years ago


QuickShare and Yoast SEO played nicely together until this last update from Yoast. QuickShare and Yoast continue to play nicely on my older sites that started out with older versions of Yoast. QuickShare has stayed at v1.5 for quite some time. It wasn't until I installed a new WordPress install recently, installed QuickShare v.1.5 and then installed Yoast 2.3.4 that I had any issues.

Rarst commented 9 years ago

That doesn't change the situation. It's not an issue with our plugin, what our code does is normal. It's an edge case QuickShare currently doesn't handle and that's not for us to deal with.