Yoast / wordpress-seo

Yoast SEO for WordPress
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Missing argument #327

Closed vickyindo closed 10 years ago

vickyindo commented 10 years ago

some time ago i have update another plugin wordpress, but after update finish, in below show notification "Missing argument 3 for wpseo_upgrader_process_complete() in /home1/ceritais/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/inc/wpseo-non-ajax-functions.php on line 259"

what happened to the Yoast SEO plugin?

jrfnl commented 10 years ago

That's very weird. I've just re-checked, but all do_action() calls WP makes which cause the wpseo_upgrader_process_complete() function to run pass three arguments, so this should not be possible.

I'd be very interested in seeing a PHP error backtrace on this error and to know exactly how it occurred. Was it a plugin or a theme update ? Single or bulk update ? For which plugins / themes ? Oh and which version of WP are you using ? and which version of WP SEO ?

Wendihihi commented 10 years ago

Same issue here with version 1.4.19-beta, just after the WP 3.7 update and it happens after a single plugin installation or update. Tested with random plugin, in this case Anti-spam 1.9. on several different websites. Warning: Missing argument 3 for wpseo_upgrader_process_complete() in /home4/xxxxx/public_html/xxxxx.com/xxxxx/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo-master/inc/wpseo-non-ajax-functions.php on line 259

Theressa1 commented 10 years ago

I just got that same warning also. I've just updated to WP 3.7 and got the exact same warning when I tried to add the "Subscribe to Comments" plugin.

I decided to then try and add 2 other "random" plugins and got the same warning. One was Disqus Comment System and the other NextGEN Gallery.

I'm running Thesis 2.1.2 Maybe a bug in the latest WP update?

vickyindo commented 10 years ago

I use nrelated plugin, arras theme, and wp 3.7 does it affect the performance of the plugin? what should I do?

jrfnl commented 10 years ago

Got it, WP 3.7+.... So lovely when they add a new filter in 3.6 only to change the way it works in 3.7.... sigh

Anyways, I've fixed it and included the fix in an already open pull request, so hopefully it'll be included in the next version.

jrfnl commented 10 years ago

Oh.. and to answer @vickyindo's question: no, it doesn't affect the performance of the plugin. The function is only called when you update plugins/themes/core and it checks whether you updated the current theme and if so, re-checks whether the theme has a <meta description> tag. So nothing really major.

Theressa1 commented 10 years ago

Awesome! You were quick to get that sorted! Thanks so much ;)

jrfnl commented 10 years ago

You're welcome ;-)

coachmaria commented 10 years ago

Is there an answer here for the problem? Way too many closes of posts, etc. and I'm not seeing any answers -- which I need .

riograndecitizen commented 10 years ago

I'm with @coachmaria -- there are dozens of other users on the WordPress.org Repository needing a solution as well. It seems that everything is being closed but no real solution has been released. The issue did not exist prior to the upgrade to 3.7.

And nothing posted here or on Wordpress.org has addressed the issue related to the sitemaps not working. Since the update from 3.6.1 to 3.7 all sitemaps are down as well. To say these are unrelated simply makes no sense. It seems the plug-in has some compatiblity issues with the upgrade and someone should address these to everyday people who rely on this plugin.

jrfnl commented 10 years ago

@coachmaria @riograndecitizen they are being closed because they are duplicates which are totally not useful. The thread with the solution - #328 - is still open and will remain open until the fix has been merged with the plugin master code.

Both in this thread as well as on the main WP forum thread an explanation is given of what is going on (nothing serious, much ado about nothing). Complaining about it - after a solution was made available - is not helping anyone.

@riograndecitizen Concerning the sitemaps not working: that is a different issue altogether which has nothing to do with the error message. It may well have something to do with the upgrade to WP3.7, but I have no information on that. You are welcome to open a separate thread for that issue, preferably with some usable information to help the debugging, for instance PHP error messages. Also make sure you test with all other plugins disabled and the default Twenty Thirteen theme. If it works in that situation, it is not a WP SEO bug.

Saying that "someone should address these to everyday people who rely on this plugin" is kind of rich considering this is a free plugin maintained by volunteers.... Anyway, you can always hire a professional to help you solve your problems.

jrfnl commented 10 years ago

I've just committed the fix - if anyone prefers not to wait for the next official version, but wants the fix *now, you can download the current development version of the plugin and upload the unzipped files to your site via FTP.

coding4truth commented 10 years ago

1.4.19 did not resolve the issue. What version was this fix committed to?

pflorin commented 10 years ago

the latest fix doesnt work...I still got that error after updating to latest vesiun 1.4.19

coding4truth commented 10 years ago

Could have been a one off, I updated to 3.7.1 on another installation without the error showing up, also deactivated and activated a few plugins to see if that would trigger it as well. It could be the process of upgrading it from 1.4.18 to 1.4.19 triggers the error one more time before the fix establishes itself?

jrfnl commented 10 years ago

@coding4truth, @pflorin - the issue is solved in 1.4.19, the only time you will still see the message is when you upgrade the WPSEO plugin as at that time you are still using the old version, any new upgrades of themes and plugins should not give the error message.