When pressing Print in the main app window, while certain key details are missing, the app should warn about their absence, e.g. through a confirmation dialog.
An incomplete list of such missing details:
Employee first name
Employee last name
Employee ID or passport number
Name of user/person entering the data
A work period (where "missing" means no changes from the default values, which define a single-day work period).
It's possible that such a warning or confirmation dialog already exists for some of these missing items, but definitely not for all of them (with v0.8.8b at least). There should probably be other criteria for warning or request-of-confirmation.
When pressing Print in the main app window, while certain key details are missing, the app should warn about their absence, e.g. through a confirmation dialog.
An incomplete list of such missing details:
It's possible that such a warning or confirmation dialog already exists for some of these missing items, but definitely not for all of them (with v0.8.8b at least). There should probably be other criteria for warning or request-of-confirmation.