Yochengliu / Relation-Shape-CNN

Relation-Shape Convolutional Neural Network for Point Cloud Analysis (CVPR 2019 Oral & Best paper finalist)
MIT License
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QueryAndGroup function BUG #23

Open alfredtorres opened 5 years ago

alfredtorres commented 5 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your work on point cloud process. I find something maybe wrong in your code. In the QueryAndGroup function, if use raw_grouped_xyz=grouped_xyz, the raw_grouped_xyz and grouped_xyz is actually one vaiable sharing the same pointer. So when changing the grouped_xyz, the raw_grouped_xyz will also change. https://github.com/Yochengliu/Relation-Shape-CNN/blob/cc52c4890f280a4ff89ba35afd5bef77c05b68ee/utils/pointnet2_utils.py#L388

The result new_features just contains related coordinates no absolute coordinates. I don't sure whether it only occur in my code, please check it.

Thanks for your sharing projcet.

Yochengliu commented 5 years ago

Great, thanks very much. I'll check this.