YoeDistro / meta-intel

Intel BSP layer
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setup-intel-oneapi-env not compatible with "read-only-rootfs" IMAGE_FEATURE #17

Open coreycothrum opened 1 month ago

coreycothrum commented 1 month ago

I'm installing intel-oneapi-mkl via RDEPENDS of another recipe.

The image has read-only-rootfs set in IMAGE_FEATURES.

Build fails with:

ERROR: do_rootfs: The following packages could not be configured offline and rootfs is read-only: ['100-setup-intel-oneapi-env']

setup-intel-oneapi-env is a dependency of intel-oneapi-mkl and getting installed here: https://github.com/YoeDistro/meta-intel/blob/28b193723b5a7a23f50d82166d9f3be752124454/dynamic-layers/openembedded-layer/recipes-oneapi/mkl/intel-oneapi-mkl_2024.0.0-49656.bb#L67

I believe the pkg_postinst_ontarget function defined here is incompatible with read-only-rootfs: https://github.com/YoeDistro/meta-intel/blob/28b193723b5a7a23f50d82166d9f3be752124454/recipes-oneapi/setup-oneapi-env/setup-intel-oneapi-env_2023.0.0-25370.bb#L18

coreycothrum commented 1 month ago

I can work around this by overriding the applicable recipes (e.g. intel-oneapi-mkl_%.bbappend) with:

RDEPENDS:${PN}:remove = "setup-intel-oneapi-env"

I'm still on kirkstone, and had to do these recipes:


Seems like these have been renamed/refactored some on master... first glance appears that the compiler recipe no longer has this as a dependency.