YomikoR / VapourSynth-Editor

Branch vse-previewer for standalone previewer. Branch vs-api4 for an IDE with a text editor. Branch master for "stability". Forked from https://bitbucket.org/mystery_keeper/vapoursynth-editor
139 stars 9 forks source link

[FR] Audio support and playback #11

Closed sl1pkn07 closed 2 years ago

sl1pkn07 commented 2 years ago


since VS api4 can use bestaudiosource for get audio support, is possible add into VSedit the ability for playback the audio part while playback the video?



YomikoR commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I'm not capable of doing it well. VSEditor is good at accessing frames in a nonlinear manner. For playback I think it should be better to write a Python wrapper piping the output to external video players.

A reminder for people who still would like to try it:

emako commented 2 years ago


YomikoR commented 2 years ago

Will reconsider when VS API3 is no more supported.