YomikoR / VapourSynth-Editor

Branch vse-previewer for standalone previewer. Branch vs-api4 for an IDE with a text editor. Branch master for "stability". Forked from https://bitbucket.org/mystery_keeper/vapoursynth-editor
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Issue with RGB preview ?dither #22

Closed pdr0github closed 2 years ago

pdr0github commented 2 years ago

Solid color bars , running the color picker along a bar, the YUV read values are uniform correct values. But the converted display RGB values vary on the same bar almost like a dither pattern applied

You can use vapoursynth-colorbars , or if it's easier download https://www.mediafire.com/file/imbdltobvm9w7rk/vapoursynth_colorbars_YUV420P8_noconv.mp4/file

clip = core.lsmas.LibavSMASHSource(r'vapoursynth_colorbars_YUV420P8_noconv.mp4') clip.set_output()

Affects r19-mod-3 , mod-4, and mod-5-beta2 (did not test others)

Original r19 and vsedit2 do not exhibit the issue

YomikoR commented 2 years ago

It's true, and I'm not going to change it back.

To circumvent dithering, you may resample the clip to RGB24 (or RGB30 if 10-bit color depth is supported on your platform) using VS internal resizers in your script.