YomikoR / VapourSynth-Editor

Branch vse-previewer for standalone previewer. Branch vs-api4 for an IDE with a text editor. Branch master for "stability". Forked from https://bitbucket.org/mystery_keeper/vapoursynth-editor
139 stars 9 forks source link

Weird scaling #48

Closed Mr-Z-2697 closed 1 year ago

Mr-Z-2697 commented 1 year ago

Doesn't happen in 5.4 2023-02-12_230336

Mr-Z-2697 commented 1 year ago

This is what 5.4 looks like 2023-02-12_234014

YomikoR commented 1 year ago

I guess the reason is you picked the Qt 5 build.

Mr-Z-2697 commented 1 year ago

I guess the reason is you picked the Qt 5 build.

I checked Qt dlls and their name start with Qt6.

YomikoR commented 1 year ago

Okay, I think I know what's going on.

YomikoR commented 1 year ago

The issue was likely caused by regression in Qt 6.4.1. VSEditor-4311c61-Qt6.4.2.zip