YomikoR / VapourSynth-Editor

Branch vse-previewer for standalone previewer. Branch vs-api4 for an IDE with a text editor. Branch master for "stability". Forked from https://bitbucket.org/mystery_keeper/vapoursynth-editor
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Seperate vs-encoder binary just like vs-previewer #56

Open rlaphoenix opened 3 weeks ago

rlaphoenix commented 3 weeks ago

So, for context I made a basic VS Code extension to add a button on the top right next to the Run Script button that on-clicked opens the focused vpy file in vse-previewer.


It would be really neat if you could also seperate the encoder GUI so I can add an encode button too.

The extension is: VapourSynth Preview Button (Source)

YomikoR commented 3 weeks ago

Compared to today's vspipe with filter time, graph, audio encoding features, etc., the encoding and benchmarking components are way behind. My suggestion is to use vspipe.

rlaphoenix commented 2 weeks ago

While I don't disagree per-se, some times all I want is to choose an encode profile and hit encode with some basic progress reports, of which vs-edit's encode window works very well for. For that purpose I feel like it's still useful, especially in this context. If I wanted other features then I feel like using terminal with vspipe would suffice.

YomikoR commented 2 weeks ago

Okay. But is another static build a good idea?

YomikoR commented 2 weeks ago

TBH I think of vsedit-previewer from the default branch as the one for most users. For example, the latest vse-previewer commit won't work until the next VS release comes. (And as a passive warning, I didn't elaborate things in the release notes of vse-previewer.)