Yonaba / Jumper

Fast, lightweight and easy-to-use pathfinding library for grid-based games
MIT License
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fix incorrect example code in gh-pages (#22) #23

Closed davidyu closed 10 years ago

davidyu commented 10 years ago

I was misled by the incorrect example code on http://yonaba.github.io/Jumper

It referred to node.x and node.y when it should be node:getX() and node:getY()

Hopefully this saves some time for others looking to use Jumper.

Yonaba commented 10 years ago

Hi @desktop, What is said in the docs is correct. Actually, the example code given in the Gh-pages refers to the 1.8.1 version. You can see that node.x and node.y are valid. I introduced the getX() and getY() methods after the 1.8.1 tag. So, I highly advise you to download the latest stable (1.8.1) and stick to the documentation. :) Thanks for your feedback. What

davidyu commented 10 years ago

I see now. I was using the developer version. Thanks for clearing it up!