Open s0ftcorn opened 2 years ago
Hello! Can you try setting the endpoints in your docker-compose file to use https?
Had to wipe the data of the database container, but now it works. For one user, specifically my user. Any other gets:
[error] [AxiosError: Request failed with status code 403] {
config: {
transitional: {
silentJSONParsing: true,
forcedJSONParsing: true,
clarifyTimeoutError: false
adapter: [Function: httpAdapter],
transformRequest: [ [Function: transformRequest] ],
transformResponse: [ [Function: transformResponse] ],
timeout: 0,
xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
maxContentLength: -1,
maxBodyLength: -1,
env: { FormData: [Function] },
validateStatus: [Function: validateStatus],
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
Authorization: 'Bearer NOPE?',
'User-Agent': 'axios/0.27.2'
baseURL: '',
method: 'get',
url: '/me',
data: undefined
request: <ref *1> ClientRequest {
_events: [Object: null prototype] {
abort: [Function (anonymous)],
aborted: [Function (anonymous)],
connect: [Function (anonymous)],
error: [Function (anonymous)],
socket: [Function (anonymous)],
timeout: [Function (anonymous)],
prefinish: [Function: requestOnPrefinish]
_eventsCount: 7,
_maxListeners: undefined,
outputData: [],
outputSize: 0,
writable: true,
destroyed: false,
_last: true,
chunkedEncoding: false,
shouldKeepAlive: false,
maxRequestsOnConnectionReached: false,
_defaultKeepAlive: true,
useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false,
sendDate: false,
_removedConnection: false,
_removedContLen: false,
_removedTE: false,
_contentLength: 0,
_hasBody: true,
_trailer: '',
finished: true,
_headerSent: true,
_closed: false,
socket: TLSSocket {
_tlsOptions: [Object],
_secureEstablished: true,
_securePending: false,
_newSessionPending: false,
_controlReleased: true,
secureConnecting: false,
_SNICallback: null,
servername: '',
alpnProtocol: false,
authorized: true,
authorizationError: null,
encrypted: true,
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 10,
connecting: false,
_hadError: false,
_parent: null,
_host: '',
_readableState: [ReadableState],
_maxListeners: undefined,
_writableState: [WritableState],
allowHalfOpen: false,
_sockname: null,
_pendingData: null,
_pendingEncoding: '',
server: undefined,
_server: null,
ssl: [TLSWrap],
_requestCert: true,
_rejectUnauthorized: true,
parser: null,
_httpMessage: [Circular *1],
[Symbol(res)]: [TLSWrap],
[Symbol(verified)]: true,
[Symbol(pendingSession)]: null,
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 378610,
[Symbol(kHandle)]: [TLSWrap],
[Symbol(lastWriteQueueSize)]: 0,
[Symbol(timeout)]: null,
[Symbol(kBuffer)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferCb)]: null,
[Symbol(kBufferGen)]: null,
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kSetNoDelay)]: false,
[Symbol(kSetKeepAlive)]: true,
[Symbol(kSetKeepAliveInitialDelay)]: 60,
[Symbol(kBytesRead)]: 0,
[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,
[Symbol(connect-options)]: [Object],
[Symbol(RequestTimeout)]: undefined
_header: 'GET /v1/me HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*\r\n' +
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n' +
'Authorization: Bearer NOPE\r\n' +
'User-Agent: axios/0.27.2\r\n' +
'Host:\r\n' +
'Connection: close\r\n' +
_keepAliveTimeout: 0,
_onPendingData: [Function: nop],
agent: Agent {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 2,
_maxListeners: undefined,
defaultPort: 443,
protocol: 'https:',
options: [Object: null prototype],
requests: [Object: null prototype] {},
sockets: [Object: null prototype],
freeSockets: [Object: null prototype] {},
keepAliveMsecs: 1000,
keepAlive: false,
maxSockets: Infinity,
maxFreeSockets: 256,
scheduling: 'lifo',
maxTotalSockets: Infinity,
totalSocketCount: 1,
maxCachedSessions: 100,
_sessionCache: [Object],
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
socketPath: undefined,
method: 'GET',
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
path: '/v1/me',
_ended: true,
res: IncomingMessage {
_readableState: [ReadableState],
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 4,
_maxListeners: undefined,
socket: [TLSSocket],
httpVersionMajor: 1,
httpVersionMinor: 1,
httpVersion: '1.1',
complete: true,
rawHeaders: [Array],
rawTrailers: [],
aborted: false,
upgrade: false,
url: '',
method: null,
statusCode: 403,
statusMessage: 'Forbidden',
client: [TLSSocket],
_consuming: false,
_dumped: false,
req: [Circular *1],
responseUrl: '',
redirects: [],
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kHeaders)]: [Object],
[Symbol(kHeadersCount)]: 30,
[Symbol(kTrailers)]: null,
[Symbol(kTrailersCount)]: 0,
[Symbol(RequestTimeout)]: undefined
aborted: false,
timeoutCb: null,
upgradeOrConnect: false,
parser: null,
maxHeadersCount: null,
reusedSocket: false,
host: '',
protocol: 'https:',
_redirectable: Writable {
_writableState: [WritableState],
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 3,
_maxListeners: undefined,
_options: [Object],
_ended: true,
_ending: true,
_redirectCount: 0,
_redirects: [],
_requestBodyLength: 0,
_requestBodyBuffers: [],
_onNativeResponse: [Function (anonymous)],
_currentRequest: [Circular *1],
_currentUrl: '',
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,
[Symbol(corked)]: 0,
[Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype] {
accept: [Array],
'content-type': [Array],
authorization: [Array],
'user-agent': [Array],
host: [Array]
response: {
status: 403,
statusText: 'Forbidden',
headers: {
'cache-control': 'private, max-age=0',
'access-control-allow-origin': '*',
'access-control-allow-headers': 'Accept, App-Platform, Authorization, Content-Type, Origin, Retry-After, Spotify-App-Version, X-Cloud-Trace-Context, client-token, content-access-token',
'access-control-allow-methods': 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, PATCH',
'access-control-allow-credentials': 'true',
'access-control-max-age': '604800',
'content-length': '46',
'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31536000',
'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
vary: 'Accept-Encoding',
date: 'Sun, 03 Jul 2022 19:59:05 GMT',
server: 'envoy',
via: 'HTTP/2 edgeproxy, 1.1 google',
'alt-svc': 'h3=":443"; ma=2592000,h3-29=":443"; ma=2592000',
connection: 'close'
config: {
transitional: [Object],
adapter: [Function: httpAdapter],
transformRequest: [Array],
transformResponse: [Array],
timeout: 0,
xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',
maxContentLength: -1,
maxBodyLength: -1,
env: [Object],
validateStatus: [Function: validateStatus],
headers: [Object],
baseURL: '',
method: 'get',
url: '/me',
data: undefined
request: <ref *1> ClientRequest {
_events: [Object: null prototype],
_eventsCount: 7,
_maxListeners: undefined,
outputData: [],
outputSize: 0,
writable: true,
destroyed: false,
_last: true,
chunkedEncoding: false,
shouldKeepAlive: false,
maxRequestsOnConnectionReached: false,
_defaultKeepAlive: true,
useChunkedEncodingByDefault: false,
sendDate: false,
_removedConnection: false,
_removedContLen: false,
_removedTE: false,
_contentLength: 0,
_hasBody: true,
_trailer: '',
finished: true,
_headerSent: true,
_closed: false,
socket: [TLSSocket],
_header: 'GET /v1/me HTTP/1.1\r\n' +
'Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*\r\n' +
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n' +
'Authorization: Bearer NOPE\r\n' +
'User-Agent: axios/0.27.2\r\n' +
'Host:\r\n' +
'Connection: close\r\n' +
_keepAliveTimeout: 0,
_onPendingData: [Function: nop],
agent: [Agent],
socketPath: undefined,
method: 'GET',
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
insecureHTTPParser: undefined,
path: '/v1/me',
_ended: true,
res: [IncomingMessage],
aborted: false,
timeoutCb: null,
upgradeOrConnect: false,
parser: null,
maxHeadersCount: null,
reusedSocket: false,
host: '',
protocol: 'https:',
_redirectable: [Writable],
[Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
[Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,
[Symbol(corked)]: 0,
[Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype]
data: 'User not registered in the Developer Dashboard'
I think the error you're getting is not related to the implementation but rather how you logged in your accounts. Someone had a similar problem here
If i read correctly this would only be the case if the person logging in has multiple accounts. In this case basically any user that tries to login with their spotify account, gets asked to trust this app, they say yes aaaand they are back to the login screen of y_s The users i asked to try it all had only one spotify account. A few of these were facebook accounts that are linked to their spotify, which shouldnt matter?
It looks like a recent error. The flow is implemented correctly in y_s...
Hello, any news on this one?
Issue persists. Though i didnt investigate further.
i had to add Users's email in my dev console of spotify, then they logged in
Hello, any news?
Sorry for the late response. Quickly tried with a friend and the issue persists.
Hi! Can you try omitting the cors value in your docker compose?
Commented that out:
- CORS=all
and it changes nothing. i.e. the same error.
First time setting this up, knowing a few things about docker, reverse proxies, etc. Whenver i go to i get:
And in the logs:
What i thought was going on is the warning about no admin, but since there is no user, i guess i makes sense and is expected upon first time setup.
My docker-compose.yml:
Im running this behind a basic apache reverse proxy:
Config for web looks basically the same only domain and port changed. Any idea whats going on?