Yoric / js-js-ctypes

A partial reimplementation of Mozilla's js-ctypes in JavaScript
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Is this beginnings of js-ctypes v2? #1

Open Noitidart opened 8 years ago

Noitidart commented 8 years ago

Hi Yoric, Is js-ctypes v2 you mentioned in this topic - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/mozilla.dev.extensions/B3H3j6FRVms/k5W7qLwqBwAJ

Is js-js-ctypes repo the v2 that you mentioned above.

I read that bsmedberg wanted to disallow js-ctypes, so I thought if js-ctypes-v2 came around he might allow it. So I started looking how to help out. As I think js-ctypes benefits (below) outweigh the cons (speed, memory, manual type defs). Also I think js-ctypes aligns with the intent that led to WebExtensions.

Yoric commented 8 years ago


When I created this repo, 4 years ago, this was indeed meant as a better js-ctypes, but this effort kind of died due to a variety of reasons.