YoshinoriFujii / Weekly-task

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Summarize Geophone measurement #38

Open YoshinoriFujii opened 4 years ago

YoshinoriFujii commented 4 years ago

To do

YoshinoriFujii commented 4 years ago

anyway collect the tips.

YoshinoriFujii commented 4 years ago

summarize the measurements which was done in the KAGRA tunnel in FY2018.

Brief summary

  • the calibration is done with either already-calibrated geophone (one used in ETMX) or the seismometer Trillium120QA at IXV.
  • [ ] confirm if which geophones are calibrated with the already-calibrated geophone etc.

=== Under construction ===
# geo18:  Column 1   K1:VIS-ETMY_IP_ACCINF_H1_IN1    As is 
# geo21:  Column 2   K1:VIS-ETMY_IP_ACCINF_H2_IN1    As is
# geo23: Column 3   K1:VIS-ETMY_IP_ACCINF_H3_IN1    As is

# unit: counts
# calibration: preamp_gain = 375.53*5, cal = 40.0/(2**16)
# disp = cal/preamp_gain*data

#  geo-18: #18 ---------------------# 
Ge_18  = 271.81915 #[V/(m/s)]
f0_18  = 1.0854036 #[Hz]
eta_18 = 0.6596832
w0_18  = 2*np.pi*f0_18
Q_18   = 1./eta_18

#  geo-21: #21 ---------------------# 
Ge_21 = 273.399 #[V/(m/s)]
f0_21 = 1.34161315 #[Hz]
eta_21 = 0.51474033
w0_21 = 2*np.pi*f0_21
Q_21  = 1./eta_21

#  geo-23: #23 ---------------------# 
Ge_23 = 249.245298 #[V/(m/s)]
f0_23 = 1.01841884 #[Hz]
eta_23 = 0.6285111
w0_23 = 2*np.pi*f0_23
Q_23  = 1./eta_23

# ---------------------------------# 
    - [ ] summarized the scripts
YoshinoriFujii commented 4 years ago

Comments to the measurements: