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Project Apicula 🐝: bitstream documentation for Gowin FPGAs
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Simple blinky does not work on tangnano9k #215

Open marsohod4you opened 7 months ago

marsohod4you commented 7 months ago

Trying to build blinky example for Tangnano9k. But it does not work properly. Board has 6 LEDs, they blink but not all: LED[1] and LED[2], LED[4] are always dark. Other LEDs blink probably properly. When building on Gowin IDE all LEDs run properly.

What I do step by step : 0) cd apicula/examples & mkdir out 1) yosys -D LEDS_NR=6 -p "read_verilog blinky.v; synth_gowin -json out/blinky.json" 2) nextpnr-gowin --json out/blinky.json --write out/pnrblinky.json --device GW1NR-LV9QN88PC6/I5 --family GW1N-9C --cst tangnano9k.cst 3) gowin_pack -d GW1N-9C -o out/pack.fs out/pnrblinky.json

Then I use Gowin native programmer to write "SRAM Program". As I wrote, not all leds blink. All above I was trying with oss-cad-suite from https://github.com/YosysHQ/oss-cad-suite-build/releases/tag/2023-12-19 under Ubuntu (most recent release)

Next my experiment was rather long. I had built all Apicula project myself and then built Nextpnr project myself on my Ubuntu. All from master branches 19 december 2023. Now I have also nextpnr-himbaechel which is missed in recent oss-cad-suite.

I was trying to build blinky.v for Tangnano9k using himbaechel (1st and 3rd steps are same as before but 2nd is different): 1) yosys -D LEDS_NR=6 -p "read_verilog blinky.v; synth_gowin -json out/blinky.json" 2) ../../nextpnr/build/nextpnr-himbaechel --json out/blinky.json --write out/pnrblinky.json --device GW1NR-LV9QN88C6/I5 --vopt family=GW1N-9C --vopt cst=tangnano9k.cst 3) gowin_pack -d GW1N-9C -o out/pack.fs out/pnrblinky.json

Write FS to board - result is exactly same - not all LEDs are blinking. What I am doing wrong?

yrabbit commented 7 months ago

What is the result of running these images for you? And please send out/blinky.json, out/pnrblinky.json, out/shift.json and out/pnrshift.json (Himbaechel ones)


yrabbit commented 7 months ago

I continued my experiments - I made virtual Linux, took the current OSS and compiled not even Himbaechel, but legacy blinky. I copied steps 1 2 3 from your text literally. out.zip


Next, I took my poor damaged tangnano9k, hoping that it wouldn’t burn anything for me


marsohod4you commented 7 months ago

Thank You for Your efforts. I will redo my experiments locally. I think I miss something. But I do not know what yet. Besides that, I must admit, Your images for blinky and shifter work on my tangnano9k properly. PS: Do You know any tool which can be used to view json files out of Yosys as a schema? And also same graph viewer for json from nextpnr. I was trying to use nexpnr with flag "--gui" but it crashes for me.

yrabbit commented 7 months ago

You can experiment with this solution: https://github.com/YosysHQ/nextpnr/issues/1255

Sorry, but there are not enough hands to keep the GUI up to date, especially since it is focused on legacy, and for Himbaechel a lot will have to be changed.

But you can send your json (both synth and pnr) here - I'll take a look.