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Project IceStorm - Lattice iCE40 FPGAs Bitstream Documentation (Reverse Engineered)
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Error: Got .dsp0_tile statement for ipcon tile 0 7730736. #231

Open xobs opened 4 years ago

xobs commented 4 years ago

I'm getting the above error whenever I try to run icepack on Windows.

PS> icepack build/blink.asc blink.bin
Error: Got .dsp0_tile statement for ipcon tile 0 7535064.

I'm running icestorm cfac9f950412ae139fa3c085c21881cbaf24822f (which I'm packaging up at https://github.com/xobs/toolchain-icestorm/releases ). This doesn't happen when I use the icepack.exe from 5ab07ed32a768d484284f1d0e58f61c2ef9d398a (as packaged by https://github.com/FPGAwars/toolchain-icestorm/releases ) with the exact same blink.asc file.

xobs commented 4 years ago

It should be noted that this happens regardless of the design I use -- It's happening on everything from a simple "blink" to a full SoC. None of these use DSPs.

daveshah1 commented 4 years ago

It would be handy to have the blink.asc file too just to check.

xobs commented 4 years ago

Github won't let me attach blink.asc here, so here's a gist with it: https://gist.github.com/xobs/086a1e85de3a5022f936f00c750645e0

daveshah1 commented 4 years ago

Seems like some very odd istream behaviour - afaics it must be coming from this line https://github.com/cliffordwolf/icestorm/blob/master/icepack/icepack.cc#L770. Looks like that blink.asc has Unix line endings (unless mangled by gist), not sure how a native Windows istream handles that.

xobs commented 4 years ago

That's a good idea, but it looks like gist is mangling the line endings. vim indicates it's a dos file, as generated by nextpnr-ice40. If I convert the line endings to unix and re-run icepack, there is no change.

cliffordwolf commented 4 years ago

GitHub does allow posting .zip files. So just zipping it would probably be the easiest way of sharing that file exactly as it is.