YosysHQ / icestorm

Project IceStorm - Lattice iCE40 FPGAs Bitstream Documentation (Reverse Engineered)
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udev idProduct #236

Open phillipzink opened 4 years ago

phillipzink commented 4 years ago

I got iceprog to work with a UPduino v2 in Debian 9. It must have a different FTDI chip than all the other boards. It's idProduct is 6014. Maybe this will help as more boards come out with different FTDI chips.

To find the idVendor and idProduct I entered this command. $ lsusb

Then searched down to find the device: Bus 004 Device 007: ID 0403:6014 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232H Single HS USB-UART/FIFO IC

Notes for Linux: Create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/53-lattice-ftdi.rules with the following line in it to allow uploading bit-streams to a Lattice iCEstick and/or a Lattice iCE40-HX8K Breakout Board as unprivileged user:

ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6014", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev", TAG+="uaccess"