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Wrong PLL frequency in PHASE_AND_DELAY mode on UP5 #237

Open HansHamster opened 4 years ago

HansHamster commented 4 years ago

Minimal example to show the problem:

`module top( output clk_out );

wire clk_48M;

SB_HFOSC inthosc ( .CLKHFPU(1'b1), .CLKHFEN(1'b1), .CLKHF(clk_48M) );

defparam inthosc.CLKHF_DIV = "0b00";

wire clk1, clk2;

// icepll -i 48 -o 32 -S SB_PLL40_2F_CORE #( .FEEDBACK_PATH("PHASE_AND_DELAY"), .DIVR(4'b0010), // DIVR = 2 .DIVF(7'b0000001), // DIVF = 1 .DIVQ(3'b101), // DIVQ = 5 .FILTER_RANGE(3'b001) // FILTER_RANGE = 1 ) uut ( .LOCK(), .RESETB(1'b1), .BYPASS(1'b0), .REFERENCECLK(clk_48M), .PLLOUTGLOBALA(clk1), .PLLOUTGLOBALB(clk2) );

assign clk_out = clk1;

endmodule `

The PLL parameters are calculated for a 48MHz input and a 32MHz output with icepll -i 48 -o 32 -S. Connecting each clock to the output, I measure 48MHz on clk_48M, but 80MHz on clk1 and clk2 instead of 32MHz. According to TN1251, the output clock should be Refclk(DIVF+1)/(DIVR+1), so 48MHz2/3=32MHz, but for some reason the actual frequency is much higher.

daveshah1 commented 4 years ago

I am not 100% sure where the factor of 2.5 is coming from, previously I have seen factors of either 4 or 7 depending on SHIFTREG_DIV_MODE (see #198)

smunaut commented 4 years ago

I would check that the PLL is locked at all ...

HansHamster commented 4 years ago

Finally had time to do some more digging. Part of the issue was, that I simply forgot the .PLLOUT_SELECT_PORTA("SHIFTREG_0deg"), .PLLOUT_SELECT_PORTB("SHIFTREG_90deg") which brings the frequency down to 20 MHz.

I then compared the PLL parameters calculated by icepll and iceCube/Radiant and it looks like (at least for the cases I tried) that all parameters are identical except for DIVQ. If I set DIVQ to 3 as calculated by iceCube instead of 5, I get the expected 32 MHz.