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Project IceStorm - Lattice iCE40 FPGAs Bitstream Documentation (Reverse Engineered)
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Add support for iCE65 devices? #300

Open nonarkitten opened 1 year ago

nonarkitten commented 1 year ago

It's rumoured these devices still exist even though Lattice seems to have gone out of their way to bury them. None of the development tools are available anymore, not from any site, so unless you were lucky to grab a copy then, you're out of luck. Supposedly, these are little different from the first iCE40 chips, just in a larger process that's 5V tolerant.

gatecat commented 1 year ago

Not sure if any of the icecube versions in Lattice's archive here might support it - they go back to 2012 https://www.latticesemi.com/Support/SoftwareArchive (check the downloadable software tab)

The chips aren't too hard to find at good old Rochester: https://www.rocelec.com/part/SLBICE65L08F-TCC72I

matthiasbock commented 1 year ago

Also, products with iCE65 FPGA are still being sold. Most relevant for me personally would be the SeeedStudio / SainSmart Handheld Oscilloscope DSO203, which features a STM32F103 alongside an iCE65L04. PCB schematic as well as source code for both MCU and FPGA firmware are available. Mods for the MCU firmware exist also, but to my knowledge none for the FPGA.

According to Lattice support, iCE65 FPGAs were discontinued in 2012 and the latest software supporting them is iCECube2_2011_12. They provide a temporary download link upon request.

nonarkitten commented 1 year ago

I thought 2012.03 was the last one that supported the iCE65, but yeah, the archive does not have a version going far enough back.

nonarkitten commented 1 year ago

After bugging Lattice for a month I was basically able to get nothing. I have the old version of iCEcube2 (c. 2011) but without a license file, it's not very useful. So if there's any hope for the iCE65's, it's here.

matthiasbock commented 1 year ago

It should be possible to request a license here:

To my knowledge Lattice provides them free of charge.

nonarkitten commented 1 year ago

Yes, thank you, I am WELL aware of their free license.

The file you get from them will not work on the old version of iCEcube2, it reports an error in the license file and will not work.

Lattice will then blame Synopsis for this since it's their backend. Synopsis came back and blamed Lattice for changing the feature labels. And then nothing gets fixed. This has been a dead support issue now for over a month.