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No error thrown for nonblocking procedural assignment to a wire #1059

Open mkurc-ant opened 5 years ago

mkurc-ant commented 5 years ago

Consider the following Verilog design.

module bar (d, q, clk, rst);
  input  wire d;
  output wire q;
  input  wire clk;
  input  wire rst;

  always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
    if (rst) q <= 1'd0;
    else     q <= d;

module foo (d, q, clk, rst);
  input  wire d;
  output wire q;
  input  wire clk;
  input  wire rst;

  bar bar_instance (d, q, clk, rst);


It contains an obvious error, the signal q in the module bar declared as wire instead of reg and used as l-value for procedural assignment in the always block.

Expected behavior

For the following call:

yosys -p "read_verilog foo_bar.v; write_verilog foo_bar_out.v"

Yosys should throw an error that the nonblocking procedural assignment cannot be used on a non-memory signal (eg. wire)

Actual behavior

Yosys infers that the signal q is a register and throws no error.

When the design is written to Verilog again using the write_verilog command, the signal q appears as reg:

/* Generated by Yosys 0.8+509 (git sha1 90ec2cda, gcc 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04 -fPIC -Os) */

(* cells_not_processed =  1  *)
(* src = "foo_bar.v:1" *)
module bar(d, q, clk, rst);
  (* src = "foo_bar.v:7" *)
  reg _0_;
  (* src = "foo_bar.v:4" *)
  input clk;
  (* src = "foo_bar.v:2" *)
  input d;
  (* src = "foo_bar.v:3" *)
  output q;
  reg q;
  (* src = "foo_bar.v:5" *)
  input rst;
  always @* begin
    _0_ = q;
    casez (rst)
          _0_ = 1'h0;
          _0_ = d;
  always @(posedge clk) begin
      q <= _0_;
  always @(posedge rst) begin
      q <= _0_;

(* cells_not_processed =  1  *)
(* src = "foo_bar.v:12" *)
module foo(d, q, clk, rst);
  (* src = "foo_bar.v:15" *)
  input clk;
  (* src = "foo_bar.v:13" *)
  input d;
  (* src = "foo_bar.v:14" *)
  output q;
  (* src = "foo_bar.v:16" *)
  input rst;
  (* module_not_derived = 32'd1 *)
  (* src = "foo_bar.v:18" *)
  bar bar_instance (
daveshah1 commented 5 years ago

This is currently a warning:

Warning: wire '\q' is assigned in a block at foo.v:8.
Warning: wire '\q' is assigned in a block at foo.v:9.

This was decided when this feature was added to mitigate against false positives (given the complexity of the Verilog standard and frontend), and because Yosys has incorrectly accepted this without any warning for some time beforehand (several other tools do accept this too). If you really need this to be an error, you can use -e 'is assigned in a block' to make this warning into an error.

mkurc-ant commented 5 years ago

In my opinion it should be an error by default and there should be the -w option to make it a warning. But since you are aware of that issue than I leave it up to you.

albaEDA commented 5 years ago

+1 for default error, if I’m not mistaken it violates IEEE 1800-2017 (6.5 nets and variables)