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Instance of empty module remains in results of mxe synthesis #1506

Open Chopper455 opened 4 years ago

Chopper455 commented 4 years ago

Steps to reproduce the issue

When I synthesized 2D fht project from opencores I encountered problem concerning module wrapper for block ram instance in win-mxe build of yosys. In linux design was synthesizing just fine, but in windows shadow instance remains in edif file. Module had synthesis translate_off directives, so they were cleaned out along with all the contents of the wrapper module. The only thing remaining is the empty module "dpsram_128x16". And this instance remains in edif file, one output port without connected wires even is declared as zero-size. shadow_inst_test.zip

I've compiled with latest commit 7ea0a59. Both in xilinx target

read_verilog "../dpsram_128x16_new.v"
read_verilog "../mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram.v"
synth_xilinx -top mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram -family xc7 -edif synthesis_xilinx.edf -flatten

and in generic internal library

read_verilog "../dpsram_128x16_new.v"
read_verilog "../mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram.v"
hierarchy -check -top mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram
synth -top mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram
write_edif -pvector bra synthesis_generic.edf

Expected behavior

When it is synthesized in Xubuntu 18.04, it works OK. for xilinx target

3.46. Printing statistics.

=== mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram ===

Number of wires: 53 Number of wire bits: 130 Number of public wires: 14 Number of public wire bits: 67 Number of memories: 0 Number of memory bits: 0 Number of processes: 0 Number of cells: 74 BUFG 1 FDCE 16 LUT1 18 LUT3 13 LUT4 1 LUT6 1 MUXCY 11 XORCY 13

Estimated number of LCs: 17

3.47. Executing CHECK pass (checking for obvious problems). checking module mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram.. found and reported 0 problems.

3.48. Executing EDIF backend. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 0)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 1)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 2)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 3)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 4)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 5)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 6)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 7)) as zero bit.

Warnings: 11 unique messages, 11 total End of script. Logfile hash: ae0ebed2f3 CPU: user 3.32s system 0.56s, MEM: 112.43 MB total, 79.43 MB resident Yosys 0.9+932 (git sha1 7ea0a593, clang 6.0.0-1ubuntu2 -fPIC -Os) Time spent: 45% 1x share (1 sec), 38% 20x read_verilog (1 sec), ...

and for internal library target

5.26. Printing statistics.

=== mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram ===

Number of wires: 44 Number of wire bits: 109 Number of public wires: 14 Number of public wire bits: 67 Number of memories: 0 Number of memory bits: 0 Number of processes: 0 Number of cells: 57 $ANDNOT 5 $AND 6 $_DFFPN0 16 $MUX 11 $NAND 4 $OR 1 $XOR 14

5.27. Executing CHECK pass (checking for obvious problems). checking module mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram.. found and reported 0 problems.

  1. Executing EDIF backend. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 0)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 1)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 2)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 3)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 4)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 5)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 6)) as zero bit. Warning: Exporting x-bit on (portRef (member mem_data 7)) as zero bit.

Warnings: 11 unique messages, 11 total End of script. Logfile hash: 96f87b8dec CPU: user 0.08s system 0.01s, MEM: 46.16 MB total, 12.66 MB resident Yosys 0.9+932 (git sha1 7ea0a593, clang 6.0.0-1ubuntu2 -fPIC -Os) Time spent: 21% 6x read_verilog (0 sec), 20% 14x opt_clean (0 sec), ...

Actual behavior

But when the same is synthesized in windows using MXE build, some shadow instance appears, even with flattening applied.

For xilinx target:

3.46. Printing statistics.

=== mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram ===

Number of wires: 59 Number of wire bits: 151 Number of public wires: 18 Number of public wire bits: 86 Number of memories: 0 Number of memory bits: 0 Number of processes: 0 Number of cells: 82 BUFG 1 FDCE 17 LUT1 21 LUT3 14 LUT4 1 LUT6 1 MUXCY 12 XORCY 14 dpsram_128x16 1

Estimated number of LCs: 19

3.47. Executing CHECK pass (checking for obvious problems). checking module mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram.. found and reported 0 problems.

3.48. Executing EDIF backend.

Warnings: 1 unique messages, 1 total End of script. Logfile hash: c9f608111e Yosys 0.9+932 (git sha1 7ea0a593, i686-w64-mingw32.static-g++ 5.5.0 -Os) Time spent: 1% 20x read_verilog (0 sec), 1% 12x opt_expr (0 sec), ...

and for internal library target

5.26. Printing statistics.

=== mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram ===

Number of wires: 49 Number of wire bits: 129 Number of public wires: 18 Number of public wire bits: 86 Number of memories: 0 Number of memory bits: 0 Number of processes: 0 Number of cells: 63 $_DFFPN0 17 $MUX 12 $NAND 6 $NOR 1 $NOT 2 $ORNOT 6 $OR 3 $XNOR 9 $XOR 6 dpsram_128x16 1

5.27. Executing CHECK pass (checking for obvious problems). checking module mtx_trps_8x8_dpsram.. found and reported 0 problems.

  1. Executing EDIF backend.

Warnings: 1 unique messages, 1 total End of script. Logfile hash: 0cfcdaf29d Yosys 0.9+932 (git sha1 7ea0a593, i686-w64-mingw32.static-g++ 5.5.0 -Os) Time spent: 2% 14x opt_clean (0 sec), 2% 12x opt_expr (0 sec), ...

What is bad, that resulting declaration in EDIF file of the module "dpsram_128x16" becomes inaccurate.

(cell dpsram_128x16
  (cellType GENERIC)
    (viewType NETLIST)
      (port (array (rename addra "addra[6:0]") 7) (direction INPUT))
      (port (array (rename addrb "addrb[6:0]") 7) (direction INPUT))
      (port clka (direction INPUT))
      (port clkb (direction INPUT))
      (port (array (rename dina "dina[15:0]") 16) (direction INPUT))
      (port (array (rename dinb "dinb[15:0]") 16) (direction INPUT))
      (port (array (rename douta "douta[15:0]") 0) (direction OUTPUT))
      (port (array (rename doutb "doutb[15:0]") 16) (direction OUTPUT))
      (port ena (direction INPUT))
      (port enb (direction INPUT))
      (port wea (direction INPUT))
      (port web (direction INPUT))

We can see, that port douta that was unconnected in instance suddenly becomes zero-sized as if module was deleted, instance remained and module interface was constructed anew, but renaming with original port name and msb/lsb range remains.

daveshah1 commented 4 years ago

The default behaviour of the Verilog frontend is to turn empty modules into blackboxes; so their instances would remain as cells even after flattening (this can be disabled with read_verilog -noblackbox)

Nonetheless, the difference between mxe and Xubuntu are concerning - with Xubuntu seemingly behaving incorrectly, as is the odd port width in the EDIF.

As another data point, Arch Linux gives the same behaviour as mxe.