YosysHQ / yosys

Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
ISC License
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`extract` pass treats outputs of a sub-circuit as inputs (may be a bug) #2826

Open nindanaoto opened 3 years ago

nindanaoto commented 3 years ago

As mentioned in #2370, extract_fa does not extract half adder cells, so I tried to extract half adder cells by defining a half adder cell in a Verilog file and calling extract pass in the script. This method detected half adder cells correctly, but the outputs of half adders are treated as inputs of half adder sub-circuits. The figure shows a part of the schematic which includes extracted half adder (ha) cells. The attached ZIP file includes the necessary files to reproduce the result. Run docker build -t extractbug && docker run --rm -it --net host -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority extractbag bash and run /yosys/yosys build.ys in the shell.

extractbug extractbug.zip

nindanaoto commented 3 years ago

Contents of the zip file in plaintexts: Mul.v

module Mul(
  input        clock,
  input        reset,
  input  [3:0] io_a,
  input  [3:0] io_b,
  output [7:0] io_out
  assign io_out = io_a * io_b; // @[mul.scala 12:17]


module ha (
  input a, b,
  output sum,carry
  assign sum = a^b;
  assign carry = b&&a;


# read subcircuit
read_verilog ha.v

# elaborate design hierarchy
hierarchy -check -top ha

# the high-level stuff
# proc; opt; fsm; opt; memory; opt

# mapping to internal cell library
techmap; opt

# mapping logic to gates.
abc -g gates,MUX,NMUX

# save and reset
design -stash ha
design -reset-vlog

# read design 
read_verilog Mul.v

# elaborate design hierarchy
hierarchy -check -top Mul

# the high-level stuff
proc; opt; fsm; opt; memory; opt

# mapping to internal cell library
techmap; opt

# mapping logic to gates.
abc -g gates,MUX,NMUX

# extract full adder
extract_fa -fa

# extract half adder
extract -map %ha -verbose

# cleanup
clean -purge

# print statistics

#check output circuit


RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade

RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y build-essential clang bison flex \
    libreadline-dev gawk tcl-dev libffi-dev git \
    graphviz xdot pkg-config python3 libboost-system-dev \
    libboost-python-dev libboost-filesystem-dev zlib1g-dev

RUN git clone https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys.git


RUN make


COPY build.ys /mul/
COPY Mul.v /mul/
COPY Mul.v /mul/
COPY ha.v /mul/