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synth error #3412

Open RanChenRivai opened 2 years ago

RanChenRivai commented 2 years ago

When I try to synthesize my design, the run log shows the following :

########################################################################################## OpenLane Container (b718fd0):/openlane$ ./flow.tcl -design alu -to yosys OpenLane b718fd064063333703734ce3ae8bb56aa6810b0b All rights reserved. (c) 2020-2022 Efabless Corporation and contributors. Available under the Apache License, version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.

[INFO]: Using design configuration at /openlane/designs/alu/config.tcl [INFO]: Sourcing Configurations from /openlane/designs/alu/config.tcl [INFO]: PDKs root directory: /home/chenran/OpenLane-2/OpenLane/pdks [INFO]: PDK: sky130A [INFO]: Setting PDKPATH to /home/chenran/OpenLane-2/OpenLane/pdks/sky130A [INFO]: Standard Cell Library: sky130_fd_sc_hd [INFO]: Optimization Standard Cell Library is set to: sky130_fd_sc_hd [INFO]: Sourcing Configurations from /openlane/designs/alu/config.tcl [INFO]: Run Directory: /openlane/designs/alu/runs/RUN_2022.07.14_11.39.15 [INFO]: Preparing LEF files for the nom corner... [INFO]: Preparing LEF files for the min corner... [INFO]: Preparing LEF files for the max corner... [STEP 1] [INFO]: Running Synthesis... [ERROR]: during executing: "yosys -c /openlane/scripts/yosys/synth.tcl -l /openlane/designs/alu/runs/RUN_2022.07.14_11.39.15/logs/synthesis/1-synthesis.log |& tee /dev/null" [ERROR]: Exit code: 1 [ERROR]: Last 10 lines: [TCL: yosys -import] Command name collision: found pre-existing command `trace' -> skip. Defining SYNTHESIS Reading /openlane/designs/alu/runs/RUN_2022.07.14_11.39.15/tmp/synthesis/1-sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.no_pg.lib as a blackbox

  1. Executing Liberty frontend. Imported 428 cell types from liberty file.

  2. Executing Verilog-2005 frontend: /openlane/designs/alu/src/rrv64_core_be_alu.sv /openlane/designs/alu/src/rrv64_core_be_alu.sv:11: ERROR: syntax error, unexpected TOK_ID, expecting ',' or '=' or ')' child process exited abnormally

[INFO]: Saving current set of views in 'designs/alu/runs/RUN_2022.07.14_11.39.15/results/final'... [INFO]: Generating final set of reports... [INFO]: Created manufacturability report at 'designs/alu/runs/RUN_2022.07.14_11.39.15/reports/manufacturability.rpt'. [INFO]: Created metrics report at 'designs/alu/runs/RUN_2022.07.14_11.39.15/reports/metrics.csv'. [INFO]: Saving runtime environment... [ERROR]: Flow failed. ###############################################################################################

So I go to /openlane/designs/alu/src/rrv64_core_be_alu.sv:11 : ###################################### 1 2 include "rrv64_core_param_pkg.svh" 3include "rrv64_core_typedef_pkg.svh" 4 5 module rrv64_core_be_alu 6 ( 7 input clk, 8 input rstn, 9 input input_valid, 10 output input_ready, 11 input rsvst_exe_comm_t input_pld, 12 output int_reg_wr_valid, 13 input int_reg_wr_ready, 14 output [RRV64_INT_PHY_REG_ADDR_W-1:0] int_reg_wr_addr, 15 output [RRV64_INT_REG_DATA_W-1:0] int_reg_wr_data, 16 output rob_wr_vld, 17 output [RRV64_ROB_ADDR_W-1:0] rob_wr_idx, 18 output idle 19 );


I confirm that this structure rsvst_exe_comm_t has been defined in the header file, what is the reason for the synthesis failure?

Ravenslofty commented 2 years ago

Did you call read_verilog with -sv to enable SystemVerilog extensions?

RanChenRivai commented 2 years ago

Did you call read_verilog with -sv to enable SystemVerilog extensions?

Yes , I callded 'read_verilog' with '-sv' in synth.tcl. Should I called it anywhere else?

RanChenRivai commented 2 years ago

I found that the riscduino project ,which synthesis designs by yosys, also uses the systemverilog structure syntax, so I was puzzled

daglem commented 1 year ago

I confirm that this structure rsvst_exe_comm_t has been defined in the header file, what is the reason for the synthesis failure?

rsvst_exe_comm_t would have to be a typedef for this to work. If it's defined as a variable, that would explain the problem.