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Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
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Sythnthesis error when xilinx family is used. #3587

Closed tsp6 closed 1 year ago

tsp6 commented 1 year ago



On which OS did this happen?


Reproduction Steps

  1. This is the command used to run synthesis and genrate the netlist in net folder: synth_xilinx -top logicnet -vlog net/logicnet_synth.v'
  1. When I run this, I am facing this issue at the terminal

ERROR: Command syntax error: Unknown option or option in arguments.

synth_xilinx -top logicnet -vlog net/logicnet_synth.v ^ ../config.mk:30: recipe for target 'synth_vlog' failed make: *** [synth_vlog] Error 1

  1. This is the exact yosys log when the error occured:

ERROR: Command syntax error: Unknown option or option in arguments.

synth_xilinx -top logicnet -vlog net/logicnet_synth.v ^

Can you help me resolve this issue.

Expected Behavior

This should be the actual yosys output log

73.50. Executing CHECK pass (checking for obvious problems). Checking module logicnet... Found and reported 0 problems.

173.51. Executing OPT_CLEAN pass (remove unused cells and wires). Finding unused cells or wires in module \logicnet.. Removed 0 unused cells and 686 unused wires. <suppressed ~686 debug messages>

173.52. Executing Verilog backend.

173.52.1. Executing BMUXMAP pass.

173.52.2. Executing DEMUXMAP pass. Dumping module `\logicnet'.

End of script. Logfile hash: 3350a9a2d4, CPU: user 9.04s system 0.14s, MEM: 84.23 MB peak Yosys 0.20 (git sha1 4fcb95ed0, g++ 12.1.1 -Os) Time spent: 18% 21x opt_expr (1 sec), 17% 22x opt_clean (1 sec), ...

Actual Behavior

This is the error that occured when I tried to run synthesis for zynq ZC706 fpga.

Syntax error in command `synth_xilinx -top logicnet -vlog net/logicnet_synth.v':

synth_xilinx [options]

This command runs synthesis for Xilinx FPGAs. This command does not operate on partly selected designs. At the moment this command creates netlists that are compatible with 7-Series Xilinx devices.

-top <module>
    use the specified module as top module

-family <family>
    run synthesis for the specified Xilinx architecture
    generate the synthesis netlist for the specified family.
    supported values:
    - xcup: Ultrascale Plus
    - xcu: Ultrascale
    - xc7: Series 7 (default)
    - xc6s: Spartan 6
    - xc6v: Virtex 6
    - xc5v: Virtex 5 (EXPERIMENTAL)
    - xc4v: Virtex 4 (EXPERIMENTAL)
    - xc3sda: Spartan 3A DSP (EXPERIMENTAL)
    - xc3sa: Spartan 3A (EXPERIMENTAL)
    - xc3se: Spartan 3E (EXPERIMENTAL)
    - xc3s: Spartan 3 (EXPERIMENTAL)
    - xc2vp: Virtex 2 Pro (EXPERIMENTAL)
    - xc2v: Virtex 2 (EXPERIMENTAL)
    - xcve: Virtex E, Spartan 2E (EXPERIMENTAL)
    - xcv: Virtex, Spartan 2 (EXPERIMENTAL)

-edif <file>
    write the design to the specified edif file. writing of an output file
    is omitted if this parameter is not specified.

-blif <file>
    write the design to the specified BLIF file. writing of an output file
    is omitted if this parameter is not specified.

    generate an output netlist suitable for ISE

    do not use block RAM cells in output netlist

    do not use distributed RAM cells in output netlist

    do not use distributed SRL cells in output netlist

    do not use XORCY/MUXCY/CARRY4 cells in output netlist

    do not use MUXF[5-9] resources to implement LUTs larger than native for the target

    do not use DSP48*s to implement multipliers and associated logic

    disable I/O buffer insertion (useful for hierarchical or 
    out-of-context flows)

    disable automatic clock buffer insertion

    infer URAM288s for large memories (xcup only)

-widemux <int>
    enable inference of hard multiplexer resources (MUXF[78]) for muxes at or
    above this number of inputs (minimum value 2, recommended value >= 5).
    default: 0 (no inference)

-run <from_label>:<to_label>
    only run the commands between the labels (see below). an empty
    from label is synonymous to 'begin', and empty to label is
    synonymous to the end of the command list.

    flatten design before synthesis

    run 'abc'/'abc9' with -dff option

    run 'abc' with '-D 1' option to enable flip-flop retiming.
    implies -dff.

    use new ABC9 flow (EXPERIMENTAL)

The following commands are executed by this synthesis command:

    read_verilog -lib -specify +/xilinx/cells_sim.v
    read_verilog -lib +/xilinx/cells_xtra.v
    hierarchy -check -auto-top

    flatten    (with '-flatten')
    tribuf -logic
    opt -nodffe -nosdff
    wreduce [-keepdc]    (option for '-widemux')
    muxpack        ('-widemux' only)
    pmux2shiftx    (skip if '-nosrl' and '-widemux=0')
    clean          (skip if '-nosrl' and '-widemux=0')

map_dsp:    (skip if '-nodsp')
    techmap -map +/mul2dsp.v -map +/xilinx/{family}_dsp_map.v {options}
    select a:mul2dsp
    setattr -unset mul2dsp
    opt_expr -fine
    select -clear
    xilinx_dsp -family <family>
    chtype -set $mul t:$__soft_mul

    techmap -map +/cmp2lut.v -map +/cmp2lcu.v -D LUT_WIDTH=[46]
    memory -nomap

    memory_libmap [...]
    techmap -map +/xilinx/lutrams_<family>_map.v
    techmap -map +/xilinx/brams_<family>_map.v

    opt -fast -full

    simplemap t:$mux    ('-widemux' only)
    muxcover <internal options>    ('-widemux' only)
    opt -full
    xilinx_srl -variable -minlen 3    (skip if '-nosrl')
    techmap  -map +/techmap.v -D LUT_SIZE=[46] [-map +/xilinx/mux_map.v] -map +/xilinx/arith_map.v
    opt -fast

    iopadmap -bits -outpad OBUF I:O -inpad IBUF O:I -toutpad OBUFT ~T:I:O -tinoutpad IOBUF ~T:O:I:IO A:top    (skip if '-noiopad')
    techmap -map +/techmap.v -map +/xilinx/cells_map.v

    dfflegalize -cell $_DFFE_?P?P_ 01 -cell $_SDFFE_?P?P_ 01 -cell $_DLATCH_?P?_ 01    (for xc6v, xc7, xcu, xcup)
    zinit -all w:* t:$_SDFFE_*    ('-dff' only)
    techmap -map +/xilinx/ff_map.v    ('-abc9' only)

    opt_expr -mux_undef -noclkinv
    abc -luts 2:2,3,6:5[,10,20] [-dff] [-D 1]    (option for '-nowidelut', '-dff', '-retime')
    techmap -map +/xilinx/ff_map.v    (only if not '-abc9')
    xilinx_srl -fixed -minlen 3    (skip if '-nosrl')
    techmap -map +/xilinx/lut_map.v -map +/xilinx/cells_map.v -D LUT_WIDTH=[46]
    xilinx_dffopt [-lut4]
    opt_lut_ins -tech xilinx

    clkbufmap -buf BUFG O:I    (skip if '-noclkbuf')
    extractinv -inv INV O:I    (only if '-ise')

    hierarchy -check
    stat -tech xilinx
    check -noinit
    blackbox =A:whitebox

    write_edif -pvector bra 


ERROR: Command syntax error: Unknown option or option in arguments.

synth_xilinx -top logicnet -vlog net/logicnet_synth.v ^

nakengelhardt commented 1 year ago

As shown in the help message you have copied here, there is no -vlog option to synth_xilinx. I assume you want to run read_verilog net/logicnet_synth.v; synth_xilinx -top logicnet (although you say you run this in the folder net, in which case it should be read_verilog logicnet_synth.v).