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Hang on a loop when write_cxxrtl #4290

Open 1353369570 opened 3 months ago

1353369570 commented 3 months ago


Yosys 0.15 (git sha1 UNKNOWN, gcc 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04 -fPIC -Os)

On which OS did this happen?

Linux, Windows

Reproduction Steps

my design: module top_1 (y, clk, wire0, wire2, wire3); output wire [(32'h142):(32'h0)] y; input wire [(1'h0):(1'h0)] clk; input wire signed [(5'h14):(1'h0)] wire0; input wire [(5'h15):(1'h0)] wire2; input wire [(4'hb):(1'h0)] wire3; reg signed [(5'h14):(1'h0)] reg4 = (1'h0); reg [(5'h14):(1'h0)] reg5 = (1'h0); reg signed [(5'h14):(1'h0)] reg6 = (1'h0); assign y = y; always @(posedge clk) begin if (wire3) begin reg3 <= reg3; reg4 <= $signed(reg4[(2'h2):(1'h0)]); end else begin reg4 <= wire2; reg5 <= (~|($unsigned($signed({wire3, reg4})) ? $unsigned((!{wire0, wire0})) : (reg4[(1'h1):(1'h1)] ? $unsigned($signed(reg4)) : ($signed(wire0) & (!(8'hbb)))))); reg6 <= $signed(reg4); end end endmodule

when yosys-p "read_verilog rtl.v;hierarchy -top top; write_cxxrtl rtl_cxxrtl.v"

Expected Behavior

The process will either Execute the xxx pass or report Error.

Actual Behavior

The write_cxxrtl process hangs indefinitely following: Module `top_1' contains feedback arcs through wires: y

whitequark commented 3 months ago

Yosys 0.15 (git sha1 UNKNOWN, gcc 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04 -fPIC -Os)

This Yosys version is several years old. Unless you can reproduce the report with a newer version I will close it.

1353369570 commented 3 months ago

When use "Yosys 0.39+149 (git sha1 b9d3bffda, g++ 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04 -fPIC -Os)", The write_cxxrtl process hangs indefinitely following: 4.3.12. Executing OPT_EXPR pass (perform const folding). Optimizing module top_1. <suppressed ~1 debug messages>

Module `top_1' contains feedback arcs through wires: y

![Uploading image.png…]()

whitequark commented 3 months ago

Thank you.

AHarald commented 2 months ago

Hi whitequark, I encounter the same problem with Yosys 0.40+25 (git sha1 171577f90, g++ 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1 -fPIC -Os)

The program write_cxxrtl hangs in an endless loop when executing: Module `sigmadelta' contains feedback arcs through wires: adc.fir.ram.n980_q adc.fir.ram.n982_q

Yosys runs on mint linux. If you need the verilog source for testing, please let me know.