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Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
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Assertion Failure in genrtlil.cc When Handling Signedness Issue Description: #4307

Open 1353369570 opened 3 months ago

1353369570 commented 3 months ago


Yosys 0.39+149

On which OS did this happen?


Reproduction Steps

The text:

module top( reg [1:0] clk; reg signed [21:0] wire3; reg [14:0] wire2; reg [7:0] wire0; wire [647:0] y; operation_mod op_mod( .clk({clk}), .wire3({wire3}), .wire2({wire2}), .wire0({wire0}), .y({y}) ); endmodule module operation_mod( input [1:0] clk, input signed [21:0] wire3, input [14:0] wire2, input [7:0] wire0, output [647:0] y ); reg [11:0] reg10 = 0; reg [19:0] reg9 = 0; reg signed [19:0] reg8 = 0; assign y = {reg10, reg9, reg8}; always @(posedge clk[0]) begin if (wire0[0]) begin reg8 <= wire3[19:0]; reg9 <= ~((1'b0) >= $signed(-((wire2[0]) ? 1'b0 : 1'b0))); reg10 <= 0; end else begin reg8 <= $signed(reg8[19:0]); reg9 <= wire3[19:0]; reg10 <= 0; end end endmodule

Expected Behavior

Successfully finished Verilog frontend.

Actual Behavior

I encountered an assertion failure error while working with Yosys, specifically when processing a design that involves signed and unsigned signals. The error message provided is as follows: image It seems that this issue is specific to Yosys; the results from Vivado do not exhibit this behavior. ![Uploading image.png…]()

Ravenslofty commented 3 months ago

I think this is #4158.