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Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
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Yosys right shift error #4413

Open WeneneW opened 1 month ago

WeneneW commented 1 month ago


Yosys 0.39+165

On which OS did this happen?


Reproduction Steps

Consider the following code: y2 has a bit width of 3 bits, and when it is 3'b111, the value of y should be 1. This means that y can take the value 1. However, after synthesis with Yosys, the value of y is fixed at 1'b0.

module top (
    output wire y,
    output wire [2:0] y2,
    output wire [2:0] y3,
    input wire clk,

    input wire wire1


    assign y3 = $unsigned(8'b10100000 + wire1);
    assign y2 = y3 - 1'b1;

    assign y = (8'b10011100 >> y2);


The synthesized syn_yosys.v is as follows: (Note the assign y = 1'h0;)

/* Generated by Yosys 0.39+165 (git sha1 22c5ab90d, g++  -fPIC -Os) */

(* src = "rtl.v:1.1-20.10" *)
module top(y, y2, y3, clk, wire1);
  (* src = "rtl.v:5.16-5.19" *)
  input clk;
  wire clk;
  (* src = "rtl.v:7.16-7.21" *)
  input wire1;
  wire wire1;
  (* src = "rtl.v:2.17-2.18" *)
  output y;
  wire y;
  (* src = "rtl.v:3.23-3.25" *)
  output [2:0] y2;
  wire [2:0] y2;
  (* src = "rtl.v:4.23-4.25" *)
  output [2:0] y3;
  wire [2:0] y3;
  assign y2[2] = ~wire1;
  assign y = 1'h0; //=======================
  assign y2[1:0] = { y2[2], y2[2] };
  assign y3 = { 2'h0, wire1 };

The testbench file is as follows:

`include "../data/cells_cmos.v"
`include "../data/cells_cyclone_v.v"
`include "../data/cells_verific.v"
`include "../data/cells_xilinx_7.v"
`include "../data/cells_yosys.v"
`include "rtl.v"

module testbench;

    // Outputs
    wire y;
    wire [2:0] y2;
    wire [2:0] y3;

    // Inputs
    reg clk;
    reg wire1;

    // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
    top uut (

    initial begin
        // Initialize Inputs
        clk = 0;
        wire1 = 0;

        // Monitor outputs
        $monitor("Time: %d, wire1: %b, y: %b, y2: %b, y3: %b", $time, wire1, y, y2, y3);

        // Test case 1: wire1 = 0
        #10 wire1 = 0;

        // Test case 2: wire1 = 1
        #10 wire1 = 1;

        // End simulation

    always #5 clk = ~clk;  // Generate clock signal


578b86d4ffc4648d7f2ab8acf7c3da9c The left side shows the simulation results of the original design, while the right side shows the simulation results of the synthesized design. yosys_5_24.zip

Expected Behavior

The right shift result is correct.

Actual Behavior

The right shift result is incorrect.

KrystalDelusion commented 3 weeks ago

Is it trying to right shift by a negative value and thereby doing a left shift which will always shift in 0?

WeneneW commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for your reply. However, after trying to force wire2 to an unsigned conversion, the result after the right shift remains as previously mentioned.

module top (
    output wire y,
    output wire [2:0] y2,
    output wire [2:0] y3,
    input wire clk,

    input wire wire1


    assign y3 = $unsigned(8'b10100000 + wire1);

    assign y2 = $unsigned(y3 - 1'b1);

    assign y = (8'b10011100 >> y2);

aiju commented 2 weeks ago

I can't reproduce this on my machine, please provide a yosys synthesis script.

WeneneW commented 2 weeks ago

I can't reproduce this on my machine, please provide a yosys synthesis script.

These are all the files:

Commands used for synthesis:

read_verilog rtl.v
write_verilog syn_yosys.v

Other files can be tested using the following commands:

iverilog -o identity_main identity_testbench.v > icarus_stderr_identity.log 2>&1
vvp -n identity_main -lxt2 > vvp_identity.log
iverilog -o yosys_main yosys_testbench.v > icarus_stderr_yosys.log 2>&1
vvp -n yosys_main -lxt2 > vvp_yosys.log

Finally, you can compare the results of vvp_identity.log and vvp_yosys.log to observe the differences.


aiju commented 2 weeks ago

This is a bug in peepopt_shiftadd.pmg

I suspect it's this check that's faulty here:

    // if a value of var is able to wrap the output, the transformation might give wrong results
    // an addition/substraction can at most flip one more bit than the largest operand (the carry bit)
    // as long as the output can show this bit, no wrap should occur (assuming all signed-ness make sense)
    select ( GetSize(port(add, \Y)) > max(GetSize(port(add, \A)), GetSize(port(add, \B))) )

A minimized test case for this bug:

module shift(
    input wire x,
    output wire y

    wire [1:0] x0 = x - 1'b1;

    assign y = 4'b1000 >> x0;

with the script

read_verilog test.v
eval -set x 0
eval -set x 0

The peephole optimiser tries to optimise A>>B-C into {A,{C{1'b0}}} >> B which is incorrect when the subtraction can overflow. The current check for overflow makes sense for addition but not for subtraction, but I'm not sure what the fix would be.

aiju commented 2 weeks ago

@phsauter Since you wrote this code, maybe you have a better idea what's going on here :)

phsauter commented 2 weeks ago

Yes thats definitely on me, I need to rethink the checks here:

// checking some value boundaries as well:
// data[...-c +:W1] is fine for +/-var (pad at LSB, all data still accessible)
// data[...+c +:W1] is only fine for +var(add) and var unsigned
// (+c cuts lower C bits, making them inaccessible, a signed var could try to access them)
// either its an add or the variable port is A (it must be positive)
select (add->type.in($add) || varport == \A)

// -> data[var+c +:W1] (with var signed) is illegal
filter !(!offset_negative && varport_signed)

Its possible there are other illegal combinations that aren't covered yet either. Tomorrow I will write out all cases and fix it. Shouldn't be too difficult.

Thanks for spotting this!