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Wrongly assign the name internal signal for vhdl #4423

Closed aniketabhiraj2004 closed 3 months ago

aniketabhiraj2004 commented 3 months ago


git clone https://github.com/ghdl/ghdl-yosys-plugin.git

On which OS did this happen?


Reproduction Steps

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity blink is
    port (
        clk     : in std_logic;
        inp     : in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
        ou      : out std_logic_vector(63 downto 0)
end blink;

architecture RTL of blink is
    signal internal : std_logic;

    process(clk) begin
        if rising_edge(clk) then
            internal <= inp(0);
            if (internal = '1') then 
                ou <= inp;
                ou <= (others => '0');     
            end if;     
            -- n
        end if;
    end process;
end RTL; 

the command i use

ghdl analyze blink_basic.vhdl /usr/local/bin/yosys -m ghdl -p "ghdl blink; write_cxxrtl blink.cpp

the blink.cpp genrated

#include <cxxrtl/cxxrtl.h>

#if defined(CXXRTL_INCLUDE_CAPI_IMPL) || \
#include <cxxrtl/capi/cxxrtl_capi.cc>

#include <cxxrtl/capi/cxxrtl_capi_vcd.cc>

using namespace cxxrtl_yosys;

namespace cxxrtl_design {

// \top: 1
struct p_blink : public module {
    /*output*/ value<64> p_ou;
    wire<64> i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_3;
    wire<1> i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_2;
    /*input*/ value<64> p_inp;
    /*input*/ value<1> p_clk;
    value<1> prev_p_clk;
    bool posedge_p_clk() const {
        return !prev_p_clk.slice<0>().val() && p_clk.slice<0>().val();
    p_blink(interior) {}
    p_blink() {

    void reset() override;

    bool eval(performer *performer = nullptr) override;

    template<class ObserverT>
    bool commit(ObserverT &observer) {
        bool changed = false;
        if (i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_3.commit(observer)) changed = true;
        if (i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_2.commit(observer)) changed = true;
        prev_p_clk = p_clk;
        return changed;

    bool commit() override {
        observer observer;
        return commit<>(observer);

    void debug_eval();

    void debug_info(debug_items *items, debug_scopes *scopes, std::string path, metadata_map &&cell_attrs = {}) override;
}; // struct p_blink

void p_blink::reset() {

bool p_blink::eval(performer *performer) {
    bool converged = true;
    bool posedge_p_clk = this->posedge_p_clk();
    // cell \10
    if (posedge_p_clk) {
        i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_2.next = p_inp.slice<0>().val();
    // cells \11 \6
    if (posedge_p_clk) {
        i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_3.next = (i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_2.curr ? p_inp : value<64>{0u,0u});
    // connection
    p_ou = i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_3.curr;
    return converged;

void p_blink::debug_eval() {

void p_blink::debug_info(debug_items *items, debug_scopes *scopes, std::string path, metadata_map &&cell_attrs) {
    assert(path.empty() || path[path.size() - 1] == ' ');
    if (scopes) {
        scopes->add(path.empty() ? path : path.substr(0, path.size() - 1), "blink", metadata_map({
            { "top", UINT64_C(1) },
        }), std::move(cell_attrs));
    if (items) {
        items->add(path, "ou", "", p_ou, 0, debug_item::OUTPUT|debug_item::DRIVEN_COMB);
        items->add(path, "internal", "", debug_alias(), i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_2);
        items->add(path, "inp", "", p_inp, 0, debug_item::INPUT|debug_item::UNDRIVEN);
        items->add(path, "clk", "", p_clk, 0, debug_item::INPUT|debug_item::UNDRIVEN);

} // namespace cxxrtl_design

extern "C"
cxxrtl_toplevel cxxrtl_design_create() {
    return new _cxxrtl_toplevel { std::unique_ptr<cxxrtl_design::p_blink>(new cxxrtl_design::p_blink) };

you can see that the name of signal internal whuch is internal signa, in the blink.cpp the name is given is different what is assign in vhdl code i_auto_24_ghdl_2e_cc_3a_806_3a_import__module_24_2

how can I fix this

Expected Behavior

Assign similar name as in vhdl code

Actual Behavior

assign random name

povik commented 3 months ago

This looks like an issue with the VHDL plugin. I see you have already opened an issue there as well: ghdl/ghdl-yosys-plugin#196 I am closing this one, we can reopen if it turns out Yosys is at fault.