YosysHQ / yosys

Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite
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cell reference names appear to be truncated #4435

Open Cronus-38 opened 3 weeks ago

Cronus-38 commented 3 weeks ago


Yosys 0.35+7 (git sha1 5691cd095, clang 15.0.7 -fPIC -Os)

On which OS did this happen?


Reproduction Steps

I can't say with certainty that the behavior I'm seeing is a bug, but I can't find any explanation for the tool's behavior. I'm running with a proprietary library, so I won't be able to supply a testcase that demonstrates the issue. Instead, I've provided excerpts from the .lib file as well as the synthesized netlist in the hope that you can explain what's happening.

Expected Behavior

The library .lib contains cells such as this:

cell (AOI21_X1F_A7P5PP84TL_C14) {...

I can see that the .lib file is being read in correctly, and it is the ONLY .lib being read into the tool.

Actual Behavior

The synthesized netlist contains cells such as this:

AOI21X1 _13708\ (...

Any insight into this is appreciated! Oh, and I should mention that I'm runnin Yosys via the OpenRoad flow. Thanks!