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Let makefile run without git #4472

Open KrystalDelusion opened 3 days ago

KrystalDelusion commented 3 days ago

What are the reasons/motivation for this change?

Fix #4470

Explain how this is achieved.

Test if current directory is a git repository, if it's not suggest calling make wget-abc. Add wget-abc target, which attempts to download and extract the corresponding ABC release archive.

If applicable, please suggest to reviewers how they can test the change.

Check "Build without abc or git" should pass.

KrystalDelusion commented 3 days ago

"Build without abc or git" check may fail if/when the target ABC revision has been updated since the last release. Not quite sure what to do in that case. In theory the wget-abc target should only be used when coming from a release tarball, so ignoring the test failure might be fine? Leaving this as a draft for now in case someone can come up with a better solution.

@mmicko @RCoeurjoly any ideas?

RCoeurjoly commented 2 days ago

"Build without abc or git" check may fail if/when the target ABC revision has been updated since the last release. Not quite sure what to do in that case. In theory the wget-abc target should only be used when coming from a release tarball, so ignoring the test failure might be fine? Leaving this as a draft for now in case someone can come up with a better solution.

@mmicko @RCoeurjoly any ideas?

I don´t understand that failure case. Could you expand on how that failure would be triggered? I don´t see any problems with the PR as it stands

mmicko commented 2 days ago

From implementation side this all looks fine. It is more decision about which use cases are supported and which require some more user involvement. Also fact that that for macOS for example curl is coming bundled with OS and not wget would require one additional target to use curl to achieve same goal.