YouHaveTrouble / minecraft-optimization

Minecraft server optimization guide
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Fix typos, remove Airplane, updates #44

Closed fredster33 closed 3 years ago

fredster33 commented 3 years ago

Airplane is mainly micro-opts and often does unexpected things with DEAR.

AlessioGr commented 3 years ago

Please provide proof for your random claims first. Your note is not objective.

BumbleTree commented 3 years ago

Airplanes performance is none disputable. And Dear doesn't break mobs - A SMP with unrestricted farms and builds with high mob spawn rates. Bogus Claims

YouHaveTrouble commented 3 years ago

I'm just gonna close it before we have a full on fork war here

fredster33 commented 3 years ago

I'm just gonna close it before we have a full on fork war here

It seems like this is fairly controversial, yes.

First, if you're talking about any percentages that Airplane claims, just note that it's very easy to get confused by percentages. Nobody knows where they come from or what they're based on, and it's hard to refute if you can't reproduce the exact benchmark those percentages came from. For example, If something causes 1% of lag, and you were to improve it by 30%, that improvement ends up being a 0.3% increase in performance, which is minor.

Second, most of Airplane's patches are micro-optimizations. These are mainly for performance changes that have so little gain that there's no real value in making those changes. The "benefits" (sometimes not even a 0.0001% increase) don't outweigh the possibility of plugins breaking or server issues arising for supposedly unforeseen reasons. Time should be put working on optimizing/recreating systems that are broken or poorly implemented, not looking for small changes to make that give hardly any benefit whatsoever.

Finally, to @AlessioGr, @Titaniumtown, MWHunter, etil2jz, and 2020Sanoj (who all reacted with emojis to my PR and proceeding comments): It seems like you're trying to "win" a PR by polling. Polls do, and should not, cause the direct outcome of a decision.. A proper community discussion, especially in open-source areas, is a result of discussion, presentation of logical argumentation, and community consensus as a result of earlier.

This may look like I'm trying to (re)start a fork war here, but really, I'm just expressing my concerns on the current status of the forks list.

I do acknowledge that every server and user will have their unique needs, and there should not be a "one-size-fits-all" solution. However, I am concerned on the addition of Airplane without any note that DEAR can be immensely troublesome for the majority of use cases.

Regarding this PR, I'm totally fine with having it closed. It looks like the rest of my changes are uncontroversial, so if it's fine, I'd like to resubmit the uncontroversial ones.

I would like to credit the Purpur community for providing extremely useful reference information that I used to research and write this comment. (It is to be noted that not all of the information used is the current consensus of the Purpur community.) Some information was copied verbatim; this comment meets the legal criteria of Fair Use for the purposes of critique and private research, and no citation herein constitutes infringement under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

fredster33 commented 3 years ago

Before the pitchforks (presumably) come back again, I'll clarify my positioning.

Some smart people showed me some smart data on how Airplane is performant. I was wrong, and I sincerely apologize for the mini-chaos I caused here. Airplane has changed significantly since I first looked at it, and I was too stubborn.

I still stand for my comments on polls, percentages, and no one-size-fits-all solution, but I now am a fan of Airplane.

Titaniumtown commented 3 years ago

Finally, to @AlessioGr, @Titaniumtown, MWHunter, etil2jz, and 2020Sanoj (who all reacted with emojis to my PR and proceeding comments): It seems like you're trying to "win" a PR by polling. Polls do, and should not, cause the direct outcome of a decision.. A proper community discussion, especially in open-source areas, is a result of discussion, presentation of logical argumentation, and community consensus as a result of earlier.

😆 This is just how PRs work, you submit one and people respond.

fredster33 commented 3 years ago

Finally, to @AlessioGr, @Titaniumtown, MWHunter, etil2jz, and 2020Sanoj (who all reacted with emojis to my PR and proceeding comments): It seems like you're trying to "win" a PR by polling. Polls do, and should not, cause the direct outcome of a decision.. A proper community discussion, especially in open-source areas, is a result of discussion, presentation of logical argumentation, and community consensus as a result of earlier.

😆 This is just how PRs work, you submit one and people respond.

For future reference, I'm referring to community theory, which often isn't the case in real practice :)