YouROK / TorrServer

Torrent stream server
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.35k stars 179 forks source link

Added Https service. Fix for #188 How enable https? #312

Closed lieranderl closed 7 months ago

lieranderl commented 7 months ago

Https service. Bu default it runs on port 8091 if the server was started with --ssl option

Added the following server args:

tsynik commented 7 months ago

Also, I have this error in torrserver log on macOS when started with --ssl option:

2023/11/12 21:15:17 UTC0 {"CacheSize":268435456,"ReaderReadAHead":50,"PreloadCache":50,"UseDisk":false,"TorrentsSavePath":"","RemoveCacheOnDrop":false,"ForceEncrypt":true,"RetrackersMode":1,"TorrentDisconnectTimeout":60,"EnableDebug":false,"EnableDLNA":false,"FriendlyName":"MacBookPro15","EnableRutorSearch":true,"EnableIPv6":false,"DisableTCP":false,"DisableUTP":false,"DisableUPNP":false,"DisableDHT":false,"DisablePEX":false,"DisableUpload":false,"DownloadRateLimit":0,"UploadRateLimit":0,"ConnectionsLimit":50,"PeersListenPort":0,"SslPort":"","SslCert":"","SslKey":""}
2023/11/12 21:15:17 UTC0 Error creating certificate file: open server.pem: read-only file system


a1ex-ak commented 7 months ago

@lieranderl I'm stupid, but how to run it on Linux with the argument - --ssl?

tsynik commented 7 months ago

I'm stupid, but how to run it on Linux with the argument - --ssl?

as with any other key - adding --ssl to command line args on startup