Youda008 / DoomRunner

Preset-oriented graphical launcher of various ported Doom engines (an alternative to ZDL)
GNU General Public License v3.0
204 stars 13 forks source link

Feature Request: Support Flatpak sandbox #105

Closed mbugni closed 11 months ago

mbugni commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm developing a Flatpak version of Doom Runner [1] for Linux systems. It's packaged along with GZDoom engine. It works, but requires some tricks for building and using:


It would be nice if Doom Runner supports a runtime "sandbox mode", where:

Advantages of Flatpak support

Works out of the box

Flatpak apps are easy to install and run.


Flatpak ensures that both runner and engines work on each Linux distro that supports it.


The app folder ~/.var/app/io.github.Youda008.DoomRunner becomes a sort of "Doom backup" containing files and configurations (not executables). You can move it to another machine/distro and restore your configs and games for the Doom Runner app.


[1] [2]



Youda008 commented 1 year ago

Oof. Sorry for stupid question, because i don't know how Flatpack works, but why is it required to select game files only from those predefined directories? For example i have all my mods and maps stored on a separate partition shared between Linux and Windows and making a copy of everything in ~/.var/app would be kinda wasteful. Also, wouldn't a separate build be a better idea than some runtime mode that can be turned on and off, since it requires a custom install directory?

mbugni commented 1 year ago

Sorry for stupid question, because i don't know how Flatpack works, but why is it required to select game files only from those predefined directories? For example i have all my mods and maps stored on a separate partition shared between Linux and Windows and making a copy of everything in ~/.var/app would be kinda wasteful.

Flatpak apps run in a restricted sandbox by design, but permissions can be extended [1]. I think we have to separate arguments:


To run an external command from the sandbox you have to:

Of course, Doom Runner could help to do this (by prefixing commands to run). Since engines must see the same "Doom Runner world", I think it's a good idea they come along the app.

Data and configs

Like for engines, permissions can be extended to allow access to files that reside outside the sandbox.

Also, wouldn't a separate build be a better idea than some runtime mode that can be turned on and off, since it requires a custom install directory?

Sure, this should the best approach. Take a look at [3] for customizing the build.

A good compromise would be to "suggest" (in file dialogs) a start point from Flatpak env variables (for engines, data and configs). People who want to respect the sandbox (one of the primary Flatpak goals) can just put files in suggested folders. Expert users can play with permissions to get different behaviours.

I know, it may sound different from the original goal of Doom Runner (a launcher for "every Doom stuff" in your PC). Personally, I like to have data and configs in a dedicated place, but it's a matter of taste.

Anyway, any suggestion is welcome.

If you want to do some experiment in a branch, I can adjust the app build. The final goal is to publish the app on Flathub [4].


[1] [2] [3] [4]

mbugni commented 1 year ago

Just some ideas for the sandbox.

Doom Runner could support some additional configurations for filtering/limiting paths and executables during browsing, like these:


These values could be available in an "Advanced settings" area of the "Initial setup" dialog. Empty values mean "no limitation", for example when Doom Runner is not executed in a sandbox. Default configurations could be injected at build time. Expert users could remove limitations, add permissions to the app, and/or customize these values, for example:

mbugni commented 1 year ago

These values could be available in an "Advanced settings" area of the "Initial setup" dialog. Empty values mean "no limitation", for example when Doom Runner is not executed in a sandbox. Default configurations could be injected at build time.

Another approach is possible. I notice that Doom Runner use an options.json file for configs, in my case under the ~/.var/app/io.github.Youda008.DoomRunner/config/DoomRunner folder. A default config could be provided along with the app. A shell script can be used to launch Doom Runner: the script can provide an initial config by simply copying the default one to the correct place when it starts for the very first time. It's quite simple to get, and the default config can be provided by the app project as a simple json.

I provided an example in app project.

Youda008 commented 1 year ago

Another stupid question: What's the problem with running DoomRunner outside of Flatpack sandbox environment and using it to start GZDoom inside its sandbox environment? You can normally start Flatpack version of GZDoom from shell, right? And DoomRunner is meant as a shell command generator. We can consider it a graphical version of bash limited to Doom only.

mbugni commented 1 year ago

First, let me show the actual result. As I mentioned, I provided a default config to the app. When it starts, I see this:


The "Initial setup" window doesn't appear, because a configuration is present. If I open it manually, I see this:


Now, what I have to do in order to play is:

If I want to add another external engine, rather than the default one provided, I have to:

The flatpak-spawn command is something like sudo, it means: do something that you cannot do "normally". So, if you want to run the Flathub GZDoom, you have to launch:

flatpak-spawn flatpak run org.zdoom.GZDoom ...<any parameter>...

While, if you want to run a native engine, you have to launch:

flatpak-spawn /path/to/external/engine ...<any parameter>...

If you choose the Flathub GZDoom, you have to ensure that it can access to game files (because it's sandboxed).

It's not impossible, just a bit tedious. Anyway, you can do both.

Youda008 commented 1 year ago

And what if i modify the logic of the launch command generation in the following way?

if engine executable is in "/var/lib/flatpak/app/"
    prepend the launch command with "flatpak run <app name (org.zdoom.GZDoom)>"
    if any of the additional files is outside of "~/.var/app/<app name>"
        add command line option "--filesystem=/dir/of/that/file"

I would rather avoid bundling DoomRunner with a Doom engine in a single Flatpak package, because someone would have to create such Flatpak package for every Doom engine people might want to use (DoomRunner with Zandronum, DoomRunner with ChocolateDoom, ...)

Youda008 commented 1 year ago

What about this?

mbugni commented 1 year ago

What about this?

Just modified the Flatpak build to point the branch. It compile and run. Can you give an explanation of expected behaviour?

mbugni commented 1 year ago

And what if i modify the logic of the launch command generation in the following way?

if engine executable is in "/var/lib/flatpak/app/"
    prepend the launch command with "flatpak run <app name (org.zdoom.GZDoom)>"
    if any of the additional files is outside of "~/.var/app/<app name>"
        add command line option "--filesystem=/dir/of/that/file"

I would rather avoid bundling DoomRunner with a Doom engine in a single Flatpak package, because someone would have to create such Flatpak package for every Doom engine people might want to use (DoomRunner with Zandronum, DoomRunner with ChocolateDoom, ...)

I guess you are trying to understand which kind of engine and how to run it. I think we have two different problems with external engines:

  1. run the engine
  2. locate the engine

I cannot help with Snap because I don't know it: I assume it is similar to Flatpak.

1 - Run an external engine

The Doom Runner need an extra-permission --talk-name=org.freedesktop.Flatpak. It's a strong permission, but I think Flathub reviewers can accept it, since Doom Runner is a launcher. In any case, we need the flatpak-spawn command to launch an external engine. You can understand if you are in a Flatpak sandbox by looking for the /.flatpak-info file or the container variable:

[📦 io.github.Youda008.DoomRunner ~]$ env | grep container

[📦 io.github.Youda008.DoomRunner ~]$ cat /.flatpak-info 



2 - Locate an external engine

There are two kind of engine:

2a - Locate a native engine

Browse the file system and choose an executable. Just as is.

2b - Locate an app engine

I think the safest way is to know the app identifier. For example, Flathub offers different engines:


The user could input:

Once the indentifier is know, the run command is simple:

flatpak run [OPTION...] [APP IDENTIFIER] ...

This approach is perfectly usable even if Doom Runner is used as a native executable and you want to run an app engine. This approach has no sense with other OS than Linux.

Youda008 commented 1 year ago

Ok, i think i finally understand now.

What i did in MR is a solution to issue But what you really want is the DoomRunner itself to run inside Flatpak sandbox. In my opinion this does not make much sense: Why would you run an application in a sandbox, if you then grant it permissions to go outside of that sandbox and even execute external programs? But i guess there an advantage in it being available on all distributions, because DoomRunner doesn't have a package in standard distro repositories (only in AUR).

So i will do what you ask, but need to ask few more questions just to be sure.

  1. So do i understand it right that for a) an app inside Flatpak env starting an app in the host env i have to use eg. flatpak-spawn /usr/games/gzdoom, b) an app inside Flatpak env starting an app in another separate Flatpak env i have to use eg. flatpak-spawn flatpak run org.zdoom.GZDoom. c) And what command do i need for an app inside Flatpak env starting an app inside the same Flatpak env?

  2. How should i make sure that DoomRunner is started with the necessary permissions to be able to start apps outside of its env? Or will you somehow define it in your Flatpak package?

mbugni commented 1 year ago

But what you really want is the DoomRunner itself to run inside Flatpak sandbox.

Sorry, probably my initial request was not clear.

In my opinion this does not make much sense: Why would you run an application in a sandbox, if you then grant it permissions to go outside of that sandbox and even execute external programs? But i guess there an advantage in it being available on all distributions, because DoomRunner doesn't have a package in standard distro repositories (only in AUR).

For users: portable and easy to install. For developers: stable environment with well-known standards. For mantainers: focus on one version, avoiding to reinvent the wheel for each distro.

a) an app inside Flatpak env starting an app in the host env i have to use eg. flatpak-spawn /usr/games/gzdoom,

flatpak-spawn --host /usr/games/gzdoom

b) an app inside Flatpak env starting an app in another separate Flatpak env i have to use eg. flatpak-spawn flatpak run org.zdoom.GZDoom.

flatpak-spawn --host flatpak run org.zdoom.GZDoom


$ man flatpak-spawn

c) And what command do i need for an app inside Flatpak env starting an app inside the same Flatpak env?

None. This is the reason I want to add a default engine along with Doom Runner. Both engine and launcher can run immediatly. If you take a look at my previous screenshots, you can notice that the default GZDoom engine on "Initial setup" is /app/bin/GZDoom. By combining engine and default config, you can get a "plug & play" app that requires just game files. This does not prevent to add other engines (a legacy one, a patched one or whatever).

  1. How should i make sure that DoomRunner is started with the necessary permissions to be able to start apps outside of its env? Or will you somehow define it in your Flatpak package?

Can be defined in Flatpak manifest (the .yaml file) and it will be added at build time. I just modified the manifest to include the permission.

You can build and install the app yourself, by following the README.

You can jump into the app environment using the command:

$ flatpak run --command=bash io.github.Youda008.DoomRunner

You will get a shell prompt, then you can play with the sandbox, for example:

[📦 io.github.Youda008.DoomRunner ~]$ env | grep container
Youda008 commented 1 year ago

So i believe i have made what you asked for. I added a build option that will make the launcher behave as if it was being run from inside a Flatpak package. You can enable this options by adding CONFIG+=flatpak to the qmake command. Can you please try to build the latest state of branch and test if it does what you expect?

Youda008 commented 11 months ago

Alright, seems like this task is now completed. 🎉 It's going to be released in 1.8.0 in 1-3 weeks. Thank you for making DoomRunner accessible for more Linux users, and thank you for having patience with me, i know it's hard 😁 I learned a lot from this. Looking forward for further cooperation. If any new problem comes up, either write it here, or create a new Issue. Have a nice summer.

mbugni commented 11 months ago

Thank you for making DoomRunner accessible for more Linux users, and thank you for having patience with me, i know it's hard grin I learned a lot from this. Looking forward for further cooperation.

Thank to you for developing open-source software. I'm just giving it another home.

I'll start the process for publishing Doom Runner on Flathub when release 1.8.0 will be available. It's ok to keep "Youda008" as author, or you prefer another name?

Youda008 commented 11 months ago

Can you please briefly re-test if everything still work as expected? I had to rework some parts of code and there is a small chance that i broke something. I don't want to release a broken version which i will have to patch right away.

mbugni commented 11 months ago

I did a quick tour and it seems to work. Do you have in mind some areas that could not work?

Youda008 commented 11 months ago

Automatic engine data paths deduction when adding a new engine, and launch command generation when Flatpak is used.

Youda008 commented 11 months ago

Version with Flatpak support has been released.