Youda008 / DoomRunner

Preset-oriented graphical launcher of various ported Doom engines (an alternative to ZDL)
GNU General Public License v3.0
203 stars 13 forks source link

Feature request: have the option to load certain mods before the maps in the load order? #133

Open thecnoNSMB opened 9 months ago

thecnoNSMB commented 9 months ago

I've noticed that the load order forcing all mods to come in front of the maps in the load order causes minor issues with the Doom 2 Minor Sprite Fixing Project, and probably other simple asset replacement mods, when the map also intends to replace those assets. In the sprite fixing case, that mod fixes errors with the "SAVE GAME", "HEY, NOT TOO ROUGH!", and other menu text sprites, which causes them to stand out like a sore thumb when a mapset restyles all the menu options. It isn't that big of a deal, as turning off the relevant asset replacement mod fixes it, but it might be an easy enough feature to add to be worth it.

thecnoNSMB commented 8 months ago

I have discovered a couple workarounds: you can load the map as a mod to manually put it at the bottom of the load order, or (depending on your source port; in my case this was only possible for DSDA-Doom) put whatever minor mods you want in that source port's autoload folder(s) manually. So, again, this is quite minor.

Youda008 commented 6 months ago

@thecnoNSMB Hi. Sorry for answering so late. I was busy at that time and then completely forgot about it.

This is unfortunatelly one of the main design flaws of this launcher, and there is no simple way to fix it without ruining the simplicity of the UI.

However as you already figured out, there is a feasible workaround that i always recommend, and that is manually adding the map file to the mod list and specifying the order there. At least i made this easy by enabling drag&drop from the map list to the mod list.

Since this relatively pain-less workaround exists and since this is not very common scenario, i don't think it's worth investing the effort into some bigger rework that would allow to specify the order in a more elegant way.

thecnoNSMB commented 6 months ago

I did not know that you could drag and drop from the map list to the mod list, that is very helpful!