Youda008 / DoomRunner

Preset-oriented graphical launcher of various ported Doom engines (an alternative to ZDL)
GNU General Public License v3.0
203 stars 13 forks source link

Feature request : recordfromto #151

Open spychopat opened 4 months ago

spychopat commented 4 months ago

recordfromto is a feature is DSDA Doom that allow to resume recording from an already existing demo. I think it would be nice to add support for it, next to the record feature, like that : image

So, you would simply choose your base demo, and the name of the new demo. Link to the doc : image

It would really easy to implement, i hope it could get you interested :)

Youda008 commented 4 months ago

Hmmm 🤔 Is DSDA Doom the only one that supports this feature?

spychopat commented 4 months ago

It seems to work on prBoom+ too, i saw people mention it on forums (didn't tried myself). I don't think it would work for ports from other families. Maybe could you make the option appears when we selected a port from prBoom family in our preset ? (to avoid users to try using it on other ports) I know you already have the ports categorized by engine families : image

Youda008 commented 4 months ago

I will do it, but because it increases the minimum window size, which some people will not like, it will be in the next major version.