Youda008 / DoomRunner

Preset-oriented graphical launcher of various ported Doom engines (an alternative to ZDL)
GNU General Public License v3.0
204 stars 13 forks source link

"WindowsVista" theme broken on Win10 when OS theme is Dark #91

Open XA105 opened 1 year ago

XA105 commented 1 year ago

Ver.: DoomRunner 1.7.1 Windows 10 64-bit

Issue: Select "dark" color scheme in Initial Setup, then select "windowsvista" or "system default" application style - this causes the app to appear with black text on black background in the Initial Setup, white text on white background in the main window, and white regions in the main window. This happens with a fresh DoomRunner installation in a brand new folder (no options.json generated yet).

It appears the app is now semi-aware of this and is in some cases shifting to Fusion/dark when OS style is dark, but it can revert back to the broken behavior if the above steps are followed.

Thanks for putting in Fusion/Dark though, it's a welcome respite for the eyes...

Youda008 commented 1 year ago

Unfortunatelly there is nothing i can do about this. These app styles are defined either by Qt or operating system, and i have no control over them. Both the "windowsvista" and "Windows" styles ignore the color palette that i send into it and display some parts white despite being told to use dark colors. The only way to use the dark colors is with the "Fusion" style.