YoungFaithful / CapacityExpansion.jl

Capacity Expansion Problem Formulation for Julia
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Setting initial battery storage level to 50% #44

Open holgerteichgraeber opened 4 years ago

holgerteichgraeber commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to fix every day at an initial storage level of 50%. This is for the case of simple storage.

I am looking at the function below in opt.jl.

function setup_opt_simplestorage!(cep::OptModelCEP,
    ## DATA ##
    #`techs::OptVariable`: techs[tech][tech_group] - OptDataCEPTech
    techs = opt_data.techs

    # Limit the storage of the energy part of the battery to its installed power
    push!(,"INTRASTOR[carrier,tech, t, k, node] ≤ Σ_{infrastruct} CAP[tech,infrastruct,node] ∀ node, tech_storage, t, k")
    @constraint(cep.model, [node=set["nodes"]["all"], tech=set["tech"]["storage"], t=set["time_T_period"]["all"], k=set["time_K"]["all"]], cep.model[:INTRASTOR][tech, techs[tech].input["carrier"], t,k,node]<=sum(cep.model[:CAP][tech, infrastruct, node] for infrastruct=set["infrastruct"]["all"])*scale[:CAP]/scale[:INTRASTOR])
    # Set storage level at beginning and end of day equal
    push!(,"INTRASTOR[carrier,tech, '0', k, node] = INTRASTOR[carrier,tech, 't[end]', k, node] ∀ node, tech_storage, k")
    @constraint(cep.model, [node=set["nodes"]["all"], tech=set["tech"]["storage"], k=set["time_K"]["all"]], cep.model[:INTRASTOR][tech, techs[tech].input["carrier"], 0, k, node]== cep.model[:INTRASTOR][tech,techs[tech].input["carrier"],set["time_T_point"]["all"][end],k,node])
    # Set the storage level at the beginning of each representative day to the same
    push!(,"INTRASTOR[carrier,tech, '0', k, node] = INTRASTOR[carrier,tech, '0', k, node] ∀ node, tech_storage, k")
    @constraint(cep.model, [node=set["nodes"]["all"], tech=set["tech"]["storage"], k=set["time_K"]["all"]], cep.model[:INTRASTOR][tech, techs[tech].input["carrier"], 0, k, node]== cep.model[:INTRASTOR][tech, techs[tech].input["carrier"], 0, 1, node])
    return cep
holgerteichgraeber commented 4 years ago

The last question should be with *0.5:

I'm thinking of replacing the right hand side of the third constraint by sum(cep.model[:CAP][tech, infrastruct, node] for infrastruct=set["infrastruct"]["all"])*scale[:CAP]/scale[:INTRASTOR] * 0.5. Anything I should be aware of with scaling?

YoungFaithful commented 4 years ago