YounghoLee / ai810

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Sepsis - Waveform 데이터 확인 #1

Open YounghoLee opened 4 years ago

YounghoLee commented 4 years ago

Sepsis 대상 환자 수(subject_id)

The MIMIC-III Waveform Database Matched Subset contains 22,317 waveform records, and 22,247 numerics records, for 10,282 distinct ICU patients.

YounghoLee commented 4 years ago

Waveform Data Filtering

>>> print (matchCount, allCount)
3751 22247

>>> print ( len( matchSubjectIDDict.keys() ),  len(  allSubjectIDDict.keys() ) )
1277 10269
YounghoLee commented 4 years ago

Waveform Data Filtering + Add Time Filtering

항목 nRecord nSubject_id
waveform - companion data( numerics records ) 22247 10269
sepsis match ( cond : subject_id ) 3751 1277
sepsis match ( cond : subject_id and waveform_date between admittime ~ admittime + 12hour ) 549 496

Admissions nSubject_id : 46520