YourITGroup / MemberListView

Back-Office Member Management for Umbraco 7 & 8
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Bug: Order By Name, Email, Username (system fields) doesn't sort correctly #49

Open mistyn8 opened 7 months ago

mistyn8 commented 7 months ago

Umbraco 11.3.1 MemberListView 3.0.3 (I couldn't update to 3.0.4 due to a fixed dependency on XML for another package)

Order By Name, Email doesn't sort correctly in terms of alphabetical (can't show SS due to GDPR)?

Also order by username whilst is correct alphabetically, asc/desc returns only ascending.

I'll try and set up a vanilla site with dummy data for members to evidence.. But though a quick issue might result in a quick response in case I'm doing something silly.

(I did notice that the memberManager.controller.js if it does take code from isn't quite aligned now.. (system fields and the reloadView function for instance?)

mistyn8 commented 7 months ago

Tested using the repo Websample.V11 and after an upgrade to 11.3.1 to match my environment all working as expected (though 3.0.4 release notes don't indicate much changed) So must be something with my installation.. I have noticed saving members makes them move in the Name/email sort order so that would indicate either duff member data somewhere or it's defaulting to an updateDate? Time to go digging...

mistyn8 commented 7 months ago

Hmm.. Websample.V11 running against my live site DB I hit a fetch all when I shouldn't.. image

ScottYourITTeam commented 7 months ago

Hi Mike,

Do you still get this issue occuring if you re-index the site?