YouyiSong / Codes-for-Selective-Learning

Codes for MICCAI 2021 Paper: Selective Learning from External Data for CT Image Segmentation
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Problem in loading model #2

Open lqr41710085 opened 2 years ago

lqr41710085 commented 2 years ago

hello, i notice that in there exists "NetCon.load_state_dict()" ,but i can't find where or how to get the model "Performance_BTCV_50_50_1.pkl", i wonder if you can detail how to reproducing your experiments in readme.

YouyiSong commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have read your email. Thanks for your internesting in this work.

It just uses 50% of the BTCV dataset for training and the remaining for testing.

Due to the size limitation, I have not uploaded it. You can train it by using the standard training with the same epochs and learning rate (Adam).

If there are still any probmes, please inform me. Thanks.

lqr41710085 commented 2 years ago

thank you for your patient reply! i will have a try.