Closed enannos closed 8 years ago
Check your Apache or Nginx configuration is like that :
even without this config map should display... Try another provider maybe a problem with OSM.
Hello Ysurac.
I've tried everything, still no luck. I am using Apache on Debian(raspbian to be exact).
The Apache error.log shows:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function array_column() in /var/www/html/flightairmap/index.php on line 191, referer:
This should work better with latest commit. Array_column is not available before PHP 5.5.0, so I added a check for that. What is your PHP version ?
it is the PHP 5.4.45-0+deb7u4 (cli) (built: Jun 29 2016 17:23:52)
I am updating right now to 5.5 :)
With my fix, this should work with 5.4 (at least for this error).
the error is away but the map is still not shown. I really do not get it. The Settings looks like this:
<?php //INSTALLED OR NOT ? $globalInstalled = TRUE;
//GLOBAL SITE NAME $globalName = 'acars';
// GLOBAL URL $globalURL = ''; //NOTE: If I remove the url or if I do not insert at least '/flightmap', php shows only the html version of the page
// Logo URL $logoURL = '/images/logo2.png';
// Activate debug $globalDebug = TRUE;
// LANGUAGE $globalLanguage = 'DE'; // Used only for wikipedia links for now
// MAP PROVIDER $globalMapProvider = 'OpenStreetMap'; // Can be Mapbox, OpenStreetMap, MapQuest-OSM or MapQuest-Aerial $globalMapboxId = 'test'; // Mapbox id $globalMapboxToken = ''; // Mapbox token //COVERAGE AREA (its based on a box model. i.e. top-left | top-right | bottom-right | bottom-left) $globalLatitudeMax = '46.92'; //the maximum latitude (north) $globalLatitudeMin = '42.14'; //the minimum latitude (south) $globalLongitudeMax = '6.2'; //the maximum longitude (west) $globalLongitudeMin = '1.0'; //the minimum longitude (east)
$globalCenterLatitude = '46.38'; //the latitude center of your coverage area $globalCenterLongitude = '5.29';//the longitude center of your coverage area
$globalLiveZoom = '9'; //default zoom on Live Map
// FLIGHTS MUST BE INSIDE THIS CIRCLE $globalDistanceIgnore = array(); // ^^ example for 100km : array('latitude' => '46.38','longitide' => '5.29','distance' => '100');
// DATABASE CONNECTION LOGIN $globalDBdriver = 'mysql'; // PDO driver used. Tested with mysql, maybe pgsql or others work... $globalDBhost = 'localhost'; //database connection url $globalDBuser = 'XXXXXX'; //database username $globalDBpass = 'XXXXXXX'; //database password $globalDBname = 'acars'; //database name $globalTransaction = TRUE; //Activate database transaction support
//FLIGHTAWARE API INFO $globalFlightAware = FALSE; //set to TRUE to use FlightAware as data import $globalFlightAwareUsername = ''; //FlightAware Username $globalFlightAwarePassword = ''; //FlightAware Password/API key
// TIMEZONE $globalTimezone = 'Europe/Berlin';
// DAEMON $globalDaemon = TRUE; // Run cron-sbs.php as daemon (don't work well if source is a real SBS1 device) $globalCronEnd = '60'; //the script run for xx seconds if $globalDaemon is disable in SBS mode
// FORK $globalFork = FALSE; // Allow cron-sbs.php to fork to fetch schedule, no more schedules fetch if set to FALSE
// MINIMUM TIME BETWEEN UPDATES FOR HTTP SOURCES (in seconds) $globalMinFetch = '50';
// DISPLAY FLIGHT INTERVAL ON MAP (in seconds) $globalLiveInterval = '200'; // MINIMAL CHANGE TO PUT IN DB $globalCoordMinChange = '0.02'; // minimal change since last message for latitude/longitude (limit write to DB)
// LIVE MAP REFRESH (in seconds) $globalMapRefresh = '30';
// IDLE TIMEOUT (in minutes) $globalMapIdleTimeout = '30';
// WRAP MAP OR REPEAT $globalMapWrap = TRUE; // WRAP MAP OR REPEAT $globalMapWrap = TRUE;
// ALLOW SITE TRANSLATION $globalTranslate = TRUE;
// UNITS $globalUnitDistance = 'km'; // km, nm or mi $globalUnitAltitude = 'm'; // m or feet $globalUnitSpeed = 'kmh'; // kmh, knots or mph
// * Virtual flights * //IVAO $globalIVAO = FALSE;
//phpVMS $globalphpVMS = FALSE; //User can choose between IVAO, VATSIM or phpVMS $globalMapVAchoose = FALSE; // ****
//ADS-B, SBS1 FORMAT $globalSBS1 = FALSE; //set to FALSE to not use SBS1 as data import $globalSourcesTimeOut = ''; $globalSourcesupdate = '10'; //Put data in DB after xx seconds/flight
//DATA SOURCES $globalSources = array(array('host' => '','port' => '30003','name' => '','format' => 'auto','sourcestats' => FALSE)); // ^^ in the form array(array(host => 'host1', 'port' => 'port1','name' => 'first source','format' => 'sbs'),array('host' => 'host2', 'port' => 'port2','name' => 'Othe$
//ACARS Listen in UDP $globalACARS = TRUE; $globalACARSHost = ''; // Local IP to listen $globalACARSPort = '9999'; $globalACARSArchive = array('10','80','81','82','3F'); // labels of messages to archive $globalACARSArchiveKeepMonths = '0'; //APRS configuration (for glidernet) $globalAPRSversion = $globalName.' using FlightAirMap'; $globalAPRSssid = 'FAM'; $globalAPRSfilter = 'r/'.$globalCenterLatitude.'/'.$globalCenterLongitude.'/250.0';
//Minimal distance to tell if a flight is arrived to airport (in km) $globalClosestMinDist = '50';
// To display Squawk usage we need Squawk country for now $globalSquawkCountry = 'UK';
//BIT.LY API INFO (used in the search page for a shorter URL) $globalBitlyAccessToken = ''; //the access token from the API
//British Airways API info $globalBritishAirwaysKey = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';
// Lufhansa API info $globalLufthansaKey = array('key' => 'XXXXXX','secret' => 'XXXXXX'); // Transavia API info $globalTransaviaKey = '';
//ignore the flights during imports that have the following airports ICAO (departure/arrival) associated with them $globalAirportIgnore = array(); //accept the flights during imports that have the following airports ICAO (departure/arrival) associated with them $globalAirportAccept = array();
//ignore the flights that have the following airline ICAO $globalAirlineIgnore = array(); //accept the flights that have the following airline ICAO $globalAirlineAccept = array();
//accept the flights that have the following pilot id (only for VA) $globalPilotIdAccept = array();
// * Archive * //Archive all data $globalArchive = FALSE;
//Archive data olders than xx months (if globalArchive enabled, else delete) (0 to disable) $globalArchiveMonths = '0';
//Archive previous year (if globalArchive enabled, else delete) $globalArchiveYear = FALSE;
//Keep Archive track of flight for xx months (0 to disable) $globalArchiveKeepTrackMonths = '0';
//Keep Archive of flight for xx months (0 to disable) $globalArchiveKeepMonths = '0'; // ****
//NOTAM $globalNOTAM = TRUE; $globalNOTAMSource = ''; //URL of your feed from
//METAR $globalMETAR = TRUE; $globalMETARcycle = TRUE; // If update_db.php in cron job, all METAR are downloaded from NOAA // else put an url as METAR source, can be vatsim. $globalMETARurl = ''; // Use {icao} to indicate where airport icao must be put in url
//Retrieve private Owner $globalOwner = TRUE;
// * Aircraft pics * //Retrieve Image from externals sources $globalAircraftImageFetch = TRUE; //Sources for Aircraft image $globalAircraftImageSources = array('ivaomtl','wikimedia','airportdata','deviantart','flickr','bing','jetphotos','planepictures','planespotters','customsources'); // Custom source configuration {registration} will be replaced by aircraft registration (exif get copyright from exif data for each pic) // example of config : $globalAircraftImageCustomSources = array('thumbnail' => '{registration}.jpg','original' => 'http://myurl/origin$ // ****
//Retrieve schedules from externals sources (set to FALSE for IVAO or if $globalFork = FALSE) $globalSchedulesFetch = TRUE; //Sources for airline schedule if not official airline site $globalSchedulesSources = array('flightmapper','costtotravel','flightradar24','flightaware'); $globalSchedulesSources = array('flightmapper','costtotravel','flightradar24','flightaware');
//Retrieve translation from external sources (set to FALSE for IVAO) $globalTranslationFetch = TRUE; //Sources for translation, to find name of flight from callsign $globalTranslationSources = array();
$globalDBport = '';
$globalGoogleAPIKey = '';
$globalBingMapKey = '';
$globalHereappID = '';
$globalHereappCode = '';
$globalMapQuestKey = '';
$globalAircraftSize = ''; $globalAPRS = TRUE;
$globalMapAltitudeColor = TRUE;
$globalAircraftIconColor = '1a3151';
$globalAirportZoom = '7';
$globalAirportPopup = FALSE; ?>
Found something! Looks like, firefox is not supporting it. Just tried with Chrome and the map is shown!
$globalURL should only have the directory, so /flightairmap. If you have SBS as source (Dump1090, ModeSMixer,...) $globalSBS1 should be set to TRUE. What is your version of Firefox ? It work with Firefox 48 for me.
Hi, I had the 47.0.1,just updated to 48. I have also updated Apache to 2.4.0, please notice that if I use -MultiViews in the configuration, the Apache won't start.
AH00526: Syntax error on line 6 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf: Either all Options must start with + or -, or no Option may. Action 'configtest' failed. The Apache error log may have more information.
So, without -MultiViews, the map is shown on Chrome but not in Firefox.
For the -Multiviews, other options should have a +, this seems to be needed now. I fixed the wiki. But this should not make any change for Firefox or Chrome, this is needed to access all pages like stats,...
the map on the main screen is not shown. I've used the default settings.php(added my mysql settings) , also changed the provider to Openstreetmap and still, nothing is shown.
What am I doing wrong?