Ysurac / FlightAirMap

Open source project displaying live aircrafts, ships or trackers on 2D/3D map. Browse through the data based on a particular aircraft, airline, airport, tracker or vessel to search through the database or see extensive statistics. Can use ADS-B in SBS1 format (dump1090, Radarcape,...), VRS, VA (VATSIM, IVAO whazzup.txt, phpvms,...), ACARS (acarsdec, acarsdeco2), APRS, AIS as datasource.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
517 stars 157 forks source link

install error #279

Closed me2tkt closed 7 years ago

me2tkt commented 7 years ago

Just updated the scripts. Regardless of the value for $globalInstalled in settings.php, the index script gives the following error -

"You need to change $globalInstalled in settings.php to FALSE if you want to access setup again."

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

Strange. You can try to run install/install-action.php?reset. This will reset all sessions variables if it's the problem.

me2tkt commented 7 years ago

Running reset gives the following : Notice: Undefined index: install in C:\xampp\htdocs\WebSite\FlightAirMap\install\install-action.php on line 64 Last session : Notice: Undefined index: done in C:\xampp\htdocs\WebSite\FlightAirMap\install\install-action.php on line 65 Reset session !!

But install still complains about $globalinstalled .-(

I have restarted PC and all programs I have checked all settings.php on my disk All have $globalInstalled = FALSE; Just to be sure I renamend all unused settipgs.php

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

So it was not a Session problem. You could try to add:


in install/index.php after the if ($globalInstalled &&.....) { line at the beginning. If this display TRUE you have this settings that is set somewhere.

Under linux you can check with a grep -R globalInstalled * from the root path of FlightAirMap.

me2tkt commented 7 years ago

bool(true) You need to change $globalInstalled in settings.php to FALSE if you want to access setup again.

So its not accessing the correct settings.php ? I will searc again.

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

It only use the require/settings.php file. Check that you don't have the file opened multiple times, that you have write right on it and really change the settings, and check if $globalInstalled is only defined one time in the file.

me2tkt commented 7 years ago

My settings.php seems to be damaged. With a new file from github install works

me2tkt commented 7 years ago

You got it. For whatever reason there was a second $globalInstalled right at the end !

There is a typo in the marine.identify.sql . It should be INCREMENT not INCEREMENT.

Install complains that databases (marine or tracker) are already installed. Probably from previous runs. I deleted them and restarted install. Install completed successfully

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

OK. I fixed the sql. Thanks.

Bigben83 commented 7 years ago

after doing a git pull and running install.php then doing a scripts/update_db.php

I get the following error

updating NOTAM...NOTAM from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...ERROR : Q)WIARADIUSOF1NMANDAMAXHGTOF375FTAMSL.325FTAGL ERROR : Q)W(BTNJAND ERROR : Q)A(BTNJAND .........

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

It's not a problem, only bad formatted NOTAM.