Ysurac / FlightAirMap

Open source project displaying live aircrafts, ships or trackers on 2D/3D map. Browse through the data based on a particular aircraft, airline, airport, tracker or vessel to search through the database or see extensive statistics. Can use ADS-B in SBS1 format (dump1090, Radarcape,...), VRS, VA (VATSIM, IVAO whazzup.txt, phpvms,...), ACARS (acarsdec, acarsdeco2), APRS, AIS as datasource.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
516 stars 157 forks source link

Installation woes #324

Open koliha opened 7 years ago

koliha commented 7 years ago

I wanted to provide a little feedback regarding the installation of FlightAirMap.


The installation went pretty well, but there were several dependencies which had to be installed. I think it would be a good idea to set this up on a barebones VM/system and get a full list of dependencies created. Not a showstopper, but a lot of people would have given up at this point.

Running FlightAirMap/install/ works, sort of... It creates the database, appears to populate table structure, and then it gives credential errors (for testing I created a db user account with full root/admin rights and used this credential pair in both the db creation and db user sections of the install.php). It seems that the database part of the web based install is broken.

After running install/, it throws an error (mysql auth), but still shows instructions for update/daemon/etc. The instructions indicate that you should run update_db.php to get models, other data, etc. This works fine, until you get to owner data. I let it sit for 10+ hours with no progress (mytop indicated a sql query was running, cpu @ 100%). Assumed it was a performance issue - updated innodb and other memory/performance settings for mysqld, allocated 8 cores (vs 2), doubled RAM for this VM (to 4gb). 2gb RAM (50%) available for mysql. Started over from scratch (wiped db). Still no love, I stopped it after 7 hours.

In playing around, I found that some owner data was actually populated with populate_all.php. So I started over (wiped the db again) and used this workflow:

  1. Hit /install/ from the web, verified settings, checked option to have it create DB
  2. Credential error seen (expected)
  3. Edited settings.php to indicate that the install state = FALSE
  4. Ran install_db.php (imported .sql files and built table structure)
  5. Ran populate_all.php
  6. Ran edited version of update_db.php (removed section to update owner data)

This got it up and running, but ownership stats didn't seem to be populating. Running the normal version of the update_db.php script just resulted in a message that owner data was only updated every 15 days (or something along those lines - it thought that the ownership data was already up to date). So, I copied the update_db script out and edited it to force the owner update to run. Still stuck in the same place.

Here is a screenshot of the query it's stuck on: image

Relevant output of the db_update script: Updating aircraft's owners... owner from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done

I'm just going to leave it running to see what happens. Everything else seems to be working at this point. I'll provide feedback if/when it completes.

If there is something that I'm missing here, please let me know.

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

For dependencies I make some check when install script is launched. I will try to make some "howto" for Debian and Gentoo. Really strange for the MySQL auth error. File require/settings.php was modified with correct user/pass ? I updated scripts/update_db.php, it was a duplicate check that was too slow and not needed anymore...

koliha commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the quick response. I'll update this evening and will report back.

Prerequisites were pretty simple, just had to knock them out one by one -- simple things like php was installed but php-xml and other supporting modules were not. Apache2 config file need to be edited to allow overrides so that .htaccess would work, stuff like that.

Some colleagues on our dev team here have asked me to put together a howto, so maybe I will save you some trouble there. I would really expect that the vast majority of your users are probably going to be installing/running this from debian/raspbian. Setting ADS-B monitoring solutions (or RTLSDR anything) on a Pi seems much more popular than the route I took (virtualization). I ended up moving from CentOS to Debian because of the additional support/documentation for dump1090 on that distro.

Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes.

Thanks again, Rob

koliha commented 7 years ago

I stopped it at the 9hr mark, restarted mysql, and dropped the database.

Pulled with git, noticed that the owner sql file was also modified - opted to start with a clean db as a result. Dropped db, changed installation flag to false.

Same starting step -- hit /install/ from the web. Same error (verified creds in settings file and creds entered on page are correct). DB is created, but nothing else it looks like. No table structure.

screen shot 2017-07-06 at 6 03 12 pm

Went back, modified settings.php to set installed to FALSE, then ran the install_db.sh. Received a SQL error (which I was seeing before).

ERROR 1071 (42000) at line 1 in file: '/path/to/FlightAirMap/db/faamfr.sql': Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

Contents of faamfr.sql:

CREATE TABLE `faamfr` ( 
    `icao` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    `mfr` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`faamfr_id`),
    UNIQUE (`mfr`)
) ENGINE = InnoDB;

Some discussion of this error is here, it mentioned setting it to use utf8. I see that for other tables (using MyISAM) you had specified the default charset as utf8.

I modified the SQL file:

CREATE TABLE `faamfr` ( 
    `icao` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    `mfr` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`faamfr_id`),
    UNIQUE (`mfr`)

Result: Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)

Skipped populate_all.php, because I know that if I run this then the update_db.php script will not actually try to pull owner data (without modification). The update_db.php script ran and pulled owner info.

Output: updating NOTAM...NOTAM from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done Routes from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done Translation : Download...Unzip...Add to DB...Done Translation from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done ModeS from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done Modes OGN: Download...Add to DB...Done Banned airlines in Europe from FlightAirMap website : Download...Add to DB...Done Check if new airspace version exist...Airspace from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done Check if new geoid version exist...Geoid from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Done Updating aircraft's owners... owner from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done Updating accidents...Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2017.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2016.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2015.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2014.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2013.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2012.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2011.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2010.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2009.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2008.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2007.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2006.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2005.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2004.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2003.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2002.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2001.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2000.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1999.csv Import /path/to/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1998.csv --[snip]-- updating METAR...Downloading METAR cycle...Done - Updating DB...Done Schedules are only updated every 15 days. Updating statistics and archive old data...Update stats ! Count all aircraft types... Count all airlines... Count all registrations... Count all callsigns... Count all owners... Count all pilots... Count all departure airports... Count all detected departure airports... Order departure airports... Count all arrival airports... Count all detected arrival airports... Order arrival airports... Count all flights by countries... Count fatalities stats... Count all flights by months... Count all military flights by months... Count all owners by months... Count all pilots by months... Count all airlines by months... Count all aircrafts by months... Count all real arrivals by months... Airports data... ...Departure ...Arrival Flights data... -> countAllDatesLastMonth... -> countAllDates... -> countAllHours... --- Stats by airlines --- Count all flights by countries by airlines... Count all aircraft types by airlines... Count all aircraft registrations by airlines... Count all callsigns by airlines... Count all owners by airlines... Count all pilots by airlines... Count all departure airports by airlines... Count all detected departure airports by airlines... Order detected departure airports by airlines... Count all arrival airports by airlines... Count all detected arrival airports by airlines... Order arrival airports by airlines... Count all flights by months by airlines... Count all owners by months by airlines... Count all pilots by months by airlines... Count all aircrafts by months by airlines... Count all real arrivals by months by airlines... ...Departure ...Arrival Flights data... -> countAllDatesLastMonth... -> countAllDates... -> countAllHours... Archive old data... Deleting old data... Insert last stats update date... Deleting archive old data...Deleting archive track old data...Done Update 3D models...Models from FlightAirMap website : Download...Check files... Done Space models from FlightAirMap website : Download...Check files... Done Done

What I didn't see in this script are waypoints, airspace, countries, private owners (listing country by country) - all of this is done in the populate_all.php script.


The web error is probably an easy fix. The routines in populate_all.php should probably be added to the install_db.sh script, so the basics can be setup with a single command. The issue I saw with this was that owner data is skipped by the update_db.php script if you run the populate_all.php script first. That will have to be addressed or it would basically create a 15 day lag before the first owner db update would come through.

With the current version, outside of patching the .sql file and pre-reqs, I believe the best installation path is probably going to be the manual route, but it poses a real problem when you ask people to build php arrays for ports and source names :)

So the easiest route for me to install with the current version:

  1. git pull
  2. change permissions (chmod 666) cache install/tmp images/airlines require/settings.php
  3. update faamfr sql file (probably won't be needed by the time someone reads this)
  4. Access /install/ from the web, configure everything there where it's easy
  5. Edit require/settings.php and set $globalinstalled to FALSE
  6. Run install_db.sh
  7. Run update_db.php
  8. Run populate_all.php
  9. Install the init/flightairmap.init script (not sure what the other init files are there for?)
  10. Edit require/settings.php and set $globalinstalled to TRUE
  11. Start the service you just setup (via init)
koliha commented 7 years ago

Also, security wise.. What needs write access here? I'm assuming that since you can't really modify the settings from the webUI (without editing the settings.php file), that the settings.php file could go back to 600. Same for install/tmp I guess. Any others?

koliha commented 7 years ago

Systemd setup for the daemon/service...

koliha commented 7 years ago

Ok, so that added everything and set it up, but it dies at startup:

Jul  6 19:46:49 taco daemon-spotter.php[2431]: \o/ Add  from sbs in Live DB : -- Delete previous data -- (Not adding to archive)success
Jul  6 19:47:22 taco systemd[1]: Started Regular background program processing daemon.
Jul  6 19:47:22 taco systemd[1]: Starting LSB: dump1090 daemon (mutability variant)...
Jul  6 19:47:22 taco daemon-spotter.php[653]: Error connecting to DB: flightair - Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
Jul  6 19:47:22 taco daemon-spotter.php[653]: Error connecting to DB: flightair - Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
Jul  6 19:47:22 taco daemon-spotter.php[653]: Error connecting to DB: flightair - Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
Jul  6 19:47:22 taco daemon-spotter.php[653]: Error connecting to DB: flightair - Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
Jul  6 19:47:22 taco daemon-spotter.php[653]: Error connecting to DB: flightair - Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
Jul  6 19:47:22 taco daemon-spotter.php[653]: Error connecting to DB: flightair - Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
Jul  6 19:47:22 taco daemon-spotter.php[653]: You MUST update to latest schema. Run install/index.php

Starting the service manually works, but it seems that the systemd service file needs a minor edit. I tried to add After=mysqld.service, but no love there. I ended up going with a 30 second startup delay via ExecStartPre.

Here is the new systemd service file:


ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 30

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

For install script, can you check your MySQL/MariaDB log ? I don't understand how I can get an access denied here...

Fixed faam in latest commit. You should never run populate_db.php or any other script than index.php in install directory.

install/tmp is used by update_db.php script (when updating owners, notam, accidents, modes,...). data directory should also have write permission, it's used to store file used for geoid calculation and altitude (I will add a check in install script for that).

It launch before DB... Need to check how I can fix that... I really don't like and don't use systemd.

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

Systemd init script are update in latest commit, maybe it's better.

koliha commented 7 years ago

The changes that you made overnight have resolved the db errors when using /install/ from the web. image

I made the data directory rw, everything else was ok install/tmp is ok I think because the update script is launched as root. I was also able to chmod the settings.php file to 600 after I was done and everything worked as expected.

The only thing I've noticed is that now all the aircraft show an error relating to GeoID: image

I tried forcing a geoid update with: $update_db->update_geoid_fam(); $update_db->insert_last_geoid_update();

Output: Geoid from FlightAirMap website : Download...Done

Still seeing the error from the web UI though.

I'll try the updated systemd script later tonight. The issue I ran into was that it seemed to completely ignore after= and requires= in the systemd script. No idea why (which is why I did the 30s delay). I'll see if your updated script works, and if not I will likely add the restartalways/restartsec settings without a delay (if it dies once at startup and then waits 10 seconds, mysql should be running at that point). The other option I guess would be to add some kind of logic in the daemon to wait xxx seconds between attempts to connect to the SQL server (giving it time to startup). It appears to make several connection attempts, fails, and just exits at the moment. Editing the daemon may be easier than the nuances of various init systems :)

Thanks for your work on this. Let me know if I can gather any data or additional info regarding geoid.

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

Check that egm96-15.pgm is in data directory. Last update will not display this message here.

The daemon should wait 5s between failures and try that 6 times (or $globalDBretry value)

koliha commented 7 years ago

$globalGeoidSource = 'egm2008-2_5';

root@taco:/path/to/FlightAirMap# ls data -aml total 72944 drw-rw-rw- 2 root root 4096 Jul 5 13:35 . drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 20480 Jul 7 10:17 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 74667284 Jul 6 18:14 egm2008-2_5.pgm

Changed back to egm96-15, ran update_db script - it didn't download anything. Modified version of script (forcing a download+update) worked fine to install this though.


Same issue, even with the other geoid files.

I looked through the apache2 error log and caught this one: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

It looks like the profile information just needs to be stripped from images: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Libpng_errors

Can you explain the cache directory? If I click a new aircraft, image loads and no errors from apache2. If I click an aircraft that I've clicked previously, I get: PHP Warning: imagepng(/path/to/FlightAirMap/cache/6900ea-B73X.png): failed to open stream: Permission denied

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

Geoid error will display a better error if needed in latest commit.

I will strip all pics, so error will be gone.

The cache directory is to store pic with a custom color instead of generating them each time. Should be readable, strange. I added a test to check if it's readable.

koliha commented 7 years ago

GeoID error is gone with the latest commit, even using the other EGM file that I was trying to use originally :)

cache folder is r+w to all: drw-rw-rw- 2 root root 4096 Jul 5 13:20 cache

[Fri Jul 07 11:16:33.512919 2017] [:error] [pid 70438] [client] PHP Warning: imagepng(/path/to/FlightAirMap/cache/FF0000-A320.png): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /path/to/FlightAirMap/getImages.php on line 92, referer: http://site.com/FlightAirMap/

I used "watch -n1 ls -aml" and accessed the site (inducing the errors). There doesn't appear to be any activity in the cache folder (always remains empty).

Maybe this is also related? No airline images -- all placeholders that point to: http://site.com/FlightAirMap/images/airlines/placeholder.png

These images are shown on the statistics - most common airline page.

koliha commented 7 years ago

Also, is any data meant to populate on these two pages: /owner /airport

Those pages are blank, nothing shown in "upcoming flights"

Not sure if I need to wait for more data to populate? ~1300 logged flights so far.

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

The permission denied is when I write the pic in cache directory. Strange because I check if data directory is writable, I should never get a permission denied...

Really no idea. You can put data directory to read only, this should disable the cache.

owner and airport table should not be blank. You have data in airport and aircraft_owner tables ? upcoming flights need many flights on more than a week to calculate them.

koliha commented 7 years ago

Errors aren't a huge issue, going to leave it r+w and dig in deeper on the cache issue later tonight.

airport table: 41655 rows in set (0.14 sec)

aircraft_owner: 521140 rows in set (1.51 sec)

koliha commented 7 years ago

Maybe those pages have some php error? If you view source on them, there are no closing tags/etc -- html generation seems incomplete.


    <div class="social">
        <!-- I'm not sociable -->
    </div><!--/.nav-collapse -->

<section class="container main-content clear">
<div class="column"><h1>Owners</h1><div class="alphabet-legend">
Ysurac commented 7 years ago

Fixed airline table for xpressair, else you can run this SQL to fix:

update airlines set icao = 'XAR' where name='xpressair';

Yes I saw that pages are not complete. Can you check if you have something in logs ?

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

And you should get alliances logo on airlines page. Strange...

koliha commented 7 years ago

I think I'm going to create a new folder, do a new pull and start from scratch to see how it goes. Wish me luck :)

koliha commented 7 years ago

Clean folder, new pull, left default permissions so it could prompt me to change. Prompted for settings and tmp permissions, changed. Now it just hangs at the /install/ url until Chrome/whatever comes back with

This page isn’t working

gso.mooo.com took too long to respond.

apache error log is throwing this message over and over until the page times out:

[Fri Jul 07 12:36:18.789301 2017] [:error] [pid 75887] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function prepare() on null in /some/path/FlightAirMap/require/class.Source.php:68\nStack trace:\n#0 /some/path/FlightAirMap/location-geojson.php(34): Source->getLocationInfoByType('gs')\n#1 {main}\n thrown in /some/path/FlightAirMap/require/class.Source.php on line 68, referer: http://site.com/FlightAirMap/

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

It's a connection to DB problem. I think it's always the same problem since install. Are you using MySQL or MariaDB ? which version ?

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

What is your max_connections in the /etc/mysql/my.cnf (if it's set) ?

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

Last commit should fix infinite loop when DB is not available.

koliha commented 7 years ago

It's MariaDB, latest version of Debian, latest update.

Here are relevant package details from apt: mysql-common/stable,now 5.8+1.0.2 all [installed,automatic] mysql-server/stable,now 5.5.9999+default amd64 [installed] php7.0-mysql/stable,now 7.0.19-1 amd64 [installed] apache2/stable,now 2.4.25-3+deb9u1 amd64 [installed,automatic]

Install page (from the web) behaves the same (timeout). Nothing in apache2 error logs now though.

koliha commented 7 years ago

Another thought... I'm using a blank settings.php file (totally fresh install). Have not been able to pull up the installer page (which prompts for db name and creds).

$globalDBdriver = 'mysql'; // PDO driver used. Tested with mysql, maybe pgsql or others work...
$globalDBhost = 'localhost'; //database connection url
$globalDBuser = ''; //database username
$globalDBpass = ''; //database password
$globalDBname = ''; //database name
$globalDBport = '3306'; //database port
$globalTransaction = TRUE; //Activate database transaction support
Ysurac commented 7 years ago

I think there is a problem on your server now. Restart php-fpm (if using that) and apache.

koliha commented 7 years ago

Rebooted, same issue. Restored old db and files (where it was all working before), even with the DB properly configured the install page just hangs. With nothing in the settings, this behavior is the same for main page of the site as well (/FlightAirMap/).

koliha commented 7 years ago

If I run the install/index.php file from shell, it shows:

                <fieldset id="sourceloc">
                        <legend>Sources location</legend>
                        <table class="sources">
                                        <th>Source name</th>
                Error connecting to DB:  - Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO)

The SQL error is repeated several times, and then the rest of the HTML is generated. The delay is so long though, that the web client times out before the page can be delivered. Maybe a loop to see if the username and dbname fields are filled or not? If present = try to connect, if can't connect, throw an error onscreen and die. If not present = skip attempt to connect and just display the page.

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

I should never work when it's too hot... It's fixed in latest commit.

koliha commented 7 years ago

So fresh install, no db, same deal from /install/ as original: screen shot 2017-07-07 at 5 39 29 pm

So ran install_db.sh, went fine till the end: dos2unix: converting file awy.dat to Unix format... /some/dir/FlightAirMap/install rm: cannot remove 'airspace.sql': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove 'countries.sql': No such file or directory

I think it may be important to point out that if you setup the config file manually or whatever and run install_db.sh, it actually doesn't create any database. It only installs tables. I have had to use the web interface to write the config + create the DB, and then db population has all been done from shell.

Anyway, I ignored these last two errors (figuring an error in post-install cleanup) and ran ./update_db.php. Update_db went smoothly. Daemon started.

When I went to the interface, broken image icons (all these files are present in the images/aircrafts/ folder):

screen shot 2017-07-07 at 6 04 07 pm

Images were broken with both using just one color or color by altitude.

Looking at the image URL: screen shot 2017-07-07 at 6 11 25 pm

It looks like a blank/transparent square? screen shot 2017-07-07 at 6 11 54 pm

I'm going to see if I can copy over the working one that I had before and do a pull, recreate db, and see if the icons and stuff work. I'm happy to re-attempt a fresh install and test/provide feedback whenever you have time to update. Appreciate all the assistance here.

koliha commented 7 years ago

I was able to copy the old folder back but did a clean db install.. Used the web portion to create the database, then ran the .sh script and update_db.php script to finish it. All the icons are fine after that, even with the latest pull. I think that something isn't being downloaded/installed anymore with the installation scripts.

I decided to look at the owner page and it looks like some function is missing or isn't working.

[Fri Jul 07 18:54:18.322808 2017] [:error] [pid 23396] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:51442] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_strtoupper() in /some/path/FlightAirMap/owner.php:28\nStack trace:\n#0 {main}\n  thrown in /some/path/html/FlightAirMap/owner.php on line 28, referer: http://site.com/FlightAirMap/airport
[Fri Jul 07 18:54:21.256571 2017] [:error] [pid 23396] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:51442] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_strtoupper() in /some/path/FlightAirMap/airline.php:73\nStack trace:\n#0 {main}\n  thrown in /some/path/FlightAirMap/airline.php on line 73, referer: http://site.com.com/FlightAirMap/owner
[Fri Jul 07 18:54:31.326700 2017] [:error] [pid 25219] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:51447] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_strtoupper() in /some/path/FlightAirMap/owner.php:28\nStack trace:\n#0 {main}\n  thrown in /some/path/html/FlightAirMap/owner.php on line 28, referer: http://site.com/FlightAirMap/airport

Google lead me to discover that the mb_strtoupper function is possibly not enabled by default in some distros. That certainly seems to be the case here.

The fix was easy: apt-get install php-mbstring

Owners table works, airports, etc. 100%.

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

Setup can be made only via index.php. Any other way will not work, it's written at the beginning of the sh script. You can run index.php several times, if table are empty it will try to populate them again.

It's strange that you have no logo for airlines in airline page...

I didn't even know that mbstring was not always enabled...

koliha commented 7 years ago

So, the process is to access /install/install.php the first time, check the box to create the db, inducing this error: screen shot 2017-07-08 at 1 24 21 pm

Then go back and edit the settings.php file to reflect installed = false. After this, re-visit the /install/ page again and save/install again (without checking the create db box), which results in: screen shot 2017-07-08 at 1 30 01 pm

From here, you just refresh the page over and over until you see this: screen shot 2017-07-08 at 1 33 39 pm

Executed updated_db.php, ran update: updating NOTAM...NOTAM from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done Routes from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done Translation : Download...Unzip...Add to DB...Done Translation from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done ModeS from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done Modes OGN: Download...Add to DB...Done Banned airlines in Europe from FlightAirMap website : Download...Add to DB...Done Check if new airspace version exist...Airspace from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done Check if new geoid version exist...Geoid from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Done Updating aircraft's owners... owner from FlightAirMap website : Download...Gunzip...Add to DB...Done Updating accidents...Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2017.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2016.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2015.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2014.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2013.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2012.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2011.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2010.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2009.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2008.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2007.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2006.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2005.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2004.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2003.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2002.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2001.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-2000.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1999.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1998.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1997.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1996.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1995.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1994.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1993.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1992.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1991.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1990.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1989.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1988.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1987.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1986.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1985.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1984.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1983.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1982.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1981.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1979.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1977.csv Import /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/../install/tmp/cr-1974.csv updating METAR...Downloading METAR cycle...Done - Updating DB...Done Schedules are only updated every 15 days. Updating statistics and archive old data...Update stats ! Count all aircraft types... Count all airlines... Count all registrations... Count all callsigns... Count all owners... Count all pilots... Count all departure airports... Count all detected departure airports... Order departure airports... Count all arrival airports... Count all detected arrival airports... Order arrival airports... Count fatalities stats... Count all flights by months... Count all military flights by months... Count all owners by months... Count all pilots by months... Count all airlines by months... Count all aircrafts by months... Count all real arrivals by months... Airports data... ...Departure ...Arrival Flights data... -> countAllDatesLastMonth... -> countAllDates... -> countAllHours... --- Stats by airlines --- Count all aircraft types by airlines... Count all aircraft registrations by airlines... Count all callsigns by airlines... Count all owners by airlines... Count all pilots by airlines... Count all departure airports by airlines... Count all detected departure airports by airlines... Order detected departure airports by airlines... Count all arrival airports by airlines... **PHP Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'flightair.countries' doesn't exist in /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/class.Spotter.php:7789 Stack trace:

0 /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/class.Spotter.php(7789): PDOStatement->execute()

1 /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/class.Stats.php(2326): Spotter->countAllArrivalAirportsByAirlines(false, 0, '2012-12-12 12:1...')

2 /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/scripts/update_db.php(103): Stats->addOldStats()

3 {main}

thrown in /var/www/html/FlightAirMap/require/class.Spotter.php on line 7789**

koliha commented 7 years ago

A brief check of the /db/ folder reveals that airspace and countries are not extracted.

root@taco:/some/path/FlightAirMap/db# ls *.gz
airspace.sql.gz  countries.sql.gz
root@taco:/var/www/html/FlightAirMap/db# ls airspace.*
root@taco:/var/www/html/FlightAirMap/db# ls countries.*
Ysurac commented 7 years ago

You shouldn't have to refresh the page many times and file should be downloaded... What you have in install/tmp directory ? airspace and countries are extracted into install/tmp before insert in base.

I download a debian image, and I will try install on it.

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

Create DB can't work on MySQL >= 5.7 or MariaDB >= 10.1, it's a security measure. Not my fault here. DB and user need to be created manually...

All others errors should be fixed.

I will make the Debian howto tomorrow

koliha commented 7 years ago

The db is created fine - it's table population that doesn't happen. Understand that it could still be related to a php version issue. The latest pull results in a similar outcome:

  1. visit /index/, create db, receive error after db creation
  2. edit settings to set installed = false, re-run install without creating db (it populates tables this way)
  3. Receiving errors about owners/airspace downloads, but received successfully installed screen
  4. Re-edited settings, setting installed = false
  5. Re-ran install, same errors for owners/airspace

Initial visit to install (this is after db creation and after one attempt to install tables): screen shot 2017-07-09 at 7 37 26 am

Refresh: screen shot 2017-07-09 at 7 37 39 am

Refresh again: screen shot 2017-07-09 at 7 37 48 am

Maybe it would be better to split the scripts off? Use /install/ to build the settings file, and execute a shell script to actually do the work. Several advantages here - less concern about permission modifications, clear error messages, no need to increase timeouts, and no need to ensure that your installation code is compatible with the latest version of PHP. It may also simplify things a bit if the database import was a single .sql file for the import (vs 50+).

2017-07-09 07 48 14

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

When there is an error, it's not a success, I need to fix the message displayed...

Shell scripts can't be executed on some web hosting and this will not really change anything. It's better with multiple .sql: easier to manage, update,...

koliha commented 7 years ago

Everything seems to be downloaded fine -- the gzip files are sitting in tmp along with extracted files. Temporarily, I have used my old method to get the db created and site back up. I watched what tables that the update_db.sh routine modified, truncated them, and then cleared out the last update date in the config table of the DB. Everything seems to be working properly at this point.

I did notice that some of the airlines are configured with callsign prefixes of N or N and a number (N5). Private/corporate aircraft in the US are usually formatted with N#####. Because this was creating issues in the statistics (identifying private aircraft as an overseas airline) I cleared out all of the N prefixes (that were just "N" or were N plus one (or more) number(s)). Seems to have solved what I was seeing.

I'll wait until you ask me to test out the install from a-z or until you have a Debian FAQ posted. At this point I'm up and running at least.

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

The Debian Howto is here: https://github.com/Ysurac/FlightAirMap/wiki/Debian I updated airlines table and the check for airlines. Should be better.

I will try another install on a Raspbian soon, so I will try my howto.

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

I've fixed the install/tmp writable check. Before it was reporting writable even if it's not really the case. I think it was the problem with install.