Ysurac / FlightAirMap

Open source project displaying live aircrafts, ships or trackers on 2D/3D map. Browse through the data based on a particular aircraft, airline, airport, tracker or vessel to search through the database or see extensive statistics. Can use ADS-B in SBS1 format (dump1090, Radarcape,...), VRS, VA (VATSIM, IVAO whazzup.txt, phpvms,...), ACARS (acarsdec, acarsdeco2), APRS, AIS as datasource.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
516 stars 157 forks source link

VAOS Source #332

Open MrDalle opened 7 years ago

MrDalle commented 7 years ago


since vaos released a couple days ago i would like to integrate it into your map with a source. We wrote a api for this and generated an oput on this URL https://dev.fswire.net/api/v1/acars/data?format=phpVMS

But somehow this ist now working.. both domains are using SSL.


Ysurac commented 7 years ago

Using your source and phpVMS (phpvmacars) as format, it's working for me. Check the output of daemon-spotter.php

MrDalle commented 7 years ago

//DATA SOURCES $globalSources = array(array('host' => 'https://dev.fswire.net/api/v1/acars/data?format=phpVMS','port' => '443','name' => '','format' => 'auto','sourcestats' => FALSE,'noarchive' => FALSE,'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris','callback' => FALSE));

This should be correct right?

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

no. This can't work with format auto. Must be phpvmacars.

MrDalle commented 7 years ago

How can i check the output of the deamon? in my plesk or does it have a log file?

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

if you run it as cronjob and can't connect using SSH, redirect output to a file.

MrDalle commented 7 years ago

still not working with our exisint installation. We will setup a vanilla map to test if its smth with the database or our modifications..

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

The daemon, if $globalDebug is set to TRUE always report errors if there is any. If the daemon is working, it's another settings like $globalLiveInterval that is too low.

MrDalle commented 7 years ago

$globalLiveInterval = '200'; which is standard i think

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

It's in seconds, if your cronjob is more than that, increase it. You can increase it x10, it's not a problem.

MrDalle commented 7 years ago

i installed a new map and tried it with a vanilla db but still no planes.. i attached my seetings file maybe smth is goign wrong here... i have no clue :( settings.zip

we have a second source but i think you need to implement some stuff of the vaos api or? https://dev.fswire.net/api/v1/acars/data

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

I used your settings.php with my DB user/pass, and converting it to unix format (dos2unix) because it was edited using windows, and all is working. You may have to increase $globalLiveInterval, I don't know how often you run the cronjob.

MrDalle commented 7 years ago

deamon-spotter is running */1 * * * *

i tried 60 - 120 -200 but no luck very very strange

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

On your map, I can see 2 aircrafts now.

MrDalle commented 7 years ago

Yes its working!!!! thank you!

Ysurac commented 7 years ago

Your source seems to be in UTC, so you should set UTC timezone for $globalSource (if it's not already done):

$globalSources = array(array('host' => 'https://dev.fswire.net/api/v1/acars/data?format=phpVMS','port' => '443','name' => '','format' => 'phpvmacars','sourcestats' => FALSE,'noarchive' => FALSE,'timezone' => 'UTC','callback' => FALSE));
Ysurac commented 7 years ago

If you don't want satellites, you can set $globalSatellite to FALSE.

I added VAOS support to FlightAirMap, should work. But I have a problem with usernames, it's sometimes: userSystem.Windows.Forms.Label, Text: 48

mario-fehr commented 7 years ago

That with the user name is normal. We ported the user table from phpvms to vaos. in phpvms there is no extra username column. So the importer set some rubish into the column.