Ysurac / FlightAirMap

Open source project displaying live aircrafts, ships or trackers on 2D/3D map. Browse through the data based on a particular aircraft, airline, airport, tracker or vessel to search through the database or see extensive statistics. Can use ADS-B in SBS1 format (dump1090, Radarcape,...), VRS, VA (VATSIM, IVAO whazzup.txt, phpvms,...), ACARS (acarsdec, acarsdeco2), APRS, AIS as datasource.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
516 stars 157 forks source link

My 2 most missed features in FlightAirMap #362

Closed TomMuc1 closed 6 years ago

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

i love FlightAirMap and the super-fast and responsive behavior even on older tablets. the single aircraft 3d mode is simply stunning - especially with the beautiful A380, B777 and B747 models. moreover it's cool that now it is so easy to install and use with a FlightAware setup based on lighttpd and aircraft.json!

there are two features that i really really miss from my subjective view as a flightaware feeder.

the search field could be shifted and made smaller - this way numbers for overall aircratf, aircrafts with position and actual receiver message rate could be placed in the blue top-bar. the language drop-down-menu should move to left side-bar menu because this setting mostly only one time after install will be changed. the layer for selected aircraft data should get a little slimmer and placed directly under the blue head-bar - this way it would not collide anymore with the mini-map in lower right corner.

the aircraft list on the bottom should be vertical resizable e.g. to show minnimum 5 lines up to maximum e.g. 30 lines.

alternative the same way vrs does (display list and selected aircraft data in one table on the right side would be fine too.

again - i'm superhappy to have this really cool and fully free fam now - but if the two above features were builtin in fma i could use this as my all-day software that then would replace skyview and virtualradarserver ...

thanx tom


Ysurac commented 6 years ago

It collide with mini map because you have a small screen resolution ;) There is now an option to set scaling factor for rendering, this can increase quality (and use more CPU) or decrease quality (and use less CPU).

There is now a table with visible flights bottom of the page for now. It's not finished.

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

hehe - true that happend @1.440x900 what is the resolution of my old notebook but tablets often have a similar screen-res :)

the scaling factor thing seems to mess up things at the moment, as soon as i slided the to left or right - the whole machine starts to freeze while cpu nor gpu are under huge load. in addition 3d single mode out of a sudden starts to show all aircrafts and then 'game over' :)))

very very cool the table thing - when this enhancement is finished this will again be a huge advantage for this application. thanx man!

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

even a browser restart with deleting all cookies/cache did not bring fma back to life ...

Ysurac commented 6 years ago

I will try make some CSS more screen size dependent.

Strange, scaling factor is working for me under chromium. And there is really a visual improvement when set at 2 (and it's really dirty when set at 0.5).

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

used firefox and safari - both died a sudden death and moreover 3d single mode does not work since then. but hey - tomorrow is another day - so don't worry. and because anything before was just perfect - there is already a solution :)

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

what would the 'scaling factor' mean or look like - what and where should then be different if my browsers wouldn't crash?

Ysurac commented 6 years ago

Are you sure you use the good GPU ? this only set a cookie.

In fact if it's set to 2, this render the model with scale x2 and resize it to normal. This improve visual quality of models.

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

yes - was the dedicated gpu - but of course on old notebook. but even there it should run with 0.5 or 1 - because before update anything was just perfect. and again the 3d single mode that worked for weeks and until 5 minutes before update now is totally messed up ...

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

i'd say there is now a bug with 3d single mode and this is the main reason for all problems ..

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

yep if i just open the sidebar-menu in 3d mode and scroll down to the new slider even without touching it the aircraft disappears

Ysurac commented 6 years ago

Last commit reset to default value. Maybe this used too much memory for your computer.

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

thanx - but nope - as i said the stunning thing was that memory/cpu/gpu/gpu-memory all was below 30/50% but the machine fully hung. i monitor those numbers 24/7 see pix

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Ysurac commented 6 years ago

All is set as default. So you don't have any real changes in 3D mode now. You should check temperature or something like that...

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

ok i'll see whether it works now :) nope - i know i had once overlooked the gpu-switch-thing. but believe me hardware wise we build our own render farms, 3d workstations and heavily modify mac-pros internally - so i'm quite familiar with computer hardware :)))

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

you set 2E3->3E3 but +viewer.scene.globe.tileCacheSize = 1000; was the same before and slider is still there???

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

but you see - it still does not work - single 3d mode on - but in aircraft detected 56/151

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Ysurac commented 6 years ago

I put data back. You can comment them and test if you want. I didn't remove slider, it only set cookie, no need to remove that (and I like it).

You only don't see an aircraft, I was thinking 3D mode didn't work at all... Are you sure the flight is still here ? What errors do you have in dev console ?

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

this was after i did git pull and loaded new map.3d.js.php. 20min ago nope as i said the flights now simply disappear and you see there are 56/151 aircrafts in 3d mode then. this is what messes all up and wasn't before i made the gitpull in early evening today. last git-pull before was yesterday with no updates => the commit of today messed things up - no question

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

now often the aircraft in 3d mode disappears and then all aircrafts come up in 3d mode - and this never was before

Ysurac commented 6 years ago

It's why I need dev console errors if there is any... You can also try to remove all cookies. And then try to comment in js/map.3d.js options like viewer.scene.globe.maximumScreenSpaceError

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

yannick - this is all full of errors - it's not possible that you don't see them in your own console?! see:

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Ysurac commented 6 years ago

I don't have any errors. Error are from cesium (and corrupt download pics). You seems to have a WebGL problem. You use local Cesium (a clone using -recursive so js/Cesium is not empty) or distant Cesium ? In latest commit a put again a fail if WebGL is not working correctly.

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

fact is - up to 4 hours before i had zero problems - now there are problems since last commit. this looks nice - but it already in level 1 like it was looking good enough.

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TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

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TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

you should file a patent on your computer where you always have no errors - seems to be a real magic mystery machine :)))

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

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Ysurac commented 6 years ago

I have some of them under Firefox, nothing under chromium. the last pics it's not error, under some warning. The big error I see, is on first pic: the asm error. And this may be the same as error #356

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

i have no idea what is going on. what i know is that all was fine until today afternoon. and i'd say an application should run on a new 3800 euro notebook - especially as the app until before ran on a 8 year old notebook perfectly. bedtime now :) don't be frustrated - all code up to yesterday was fine - so this will work out in one way or an other.

cheers tom

Ysurac commented 6 years ago

Nothing was really changed on 3D map. Working for me, no real error in console log dev even for you. Can't fix if there is not really a bug.

Ysurac commented 6 years ago

You have the error #356 in chrome, you should try to disable chrome://flags/#enable-asm-webassembly It's a chrome/chromium stupid idea to enable this by default. At least this can be the reason why it's slow.

For disappearing flights and then all are visible, this was not changed since a long time. When the flight was no more selected this displayed all flights. It's fixed in latest commit.

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

ok - since last commit now 3d single mode is back working again and even if the selected aircraft is lost no others show up that was the behavior i saw over the last weeks - and this is how it should be - thanx.

i used chrome just yesterday for testing the bug - the standards for fam for me are safari and firefox - but maybe i look into the chrome thing.

but something changed in the way the satellite backgroud looks and is rendered. i use arcgis satellite - and now:

=> my like/conclusion on this new 'feature' is very mixed-up at the moment

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

moreover there seems to be another cookie problem too. when i change settings with slider back to level 1 the background often looks lousy - but then leaving level 1 -> going back to 2d -> going again to 3d -> suddenly anything looks great while slider is still on level 1 ???

p.s. and no - my downstream is perfect working at about 50-100mbit/s

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

does not change anything and still gives same error - but same with fr24. i don't care - i don't like google nor their spy browser

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TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

the new list on map page is great!

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Ysurac commented 6 years ago
Ysurac commented 6 years ago

I hope you didn't close all bugs because you think I answer too harshly, I only try to be effective. Sorry if it's the case.

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

thanx for reply - but no - i just thought it is simply your application and because you obviously have a different view on these items i did not want to make those longer subject of discussion :)

Ysurac commented 6 years ago

I often on different view at first but then I make it like only selected flight on 3D view. It's better even for me lol You can suggest other changes, even if I'm not ok with them at the beginning :)

TomMuc1 commented 6 years ago

thanx again for this super-friendly offer! i will :) and i want you to know that i'm fully aware that it is always much easier to complain here and there than to code all this - and nothing you did here i were able to do it better or able to do it at all!

cheers tom