Ysurac / openmptcprouter

OpenMPTCProuter is an open source solution to aggregate multiple internet connections using Multipath TCP (MPTCP) on OpenWrt
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Config restore from 5.4 to 6.1 extreme CPU Usage #3322

Open darkmaniac7 opened 2 months ago

darkmaniac7 commented 2 months ago

Recently created a new VM and restored the old config from the 0.59 - 5.4 OS. New VM was 0.60 - 6.1 OS. it used to Typically run under 700mhz usage. Now runs over 11ghz most of the time.

Expected Behavior

CPU usage while idle be less than 1ghz usage

Current Behavior

Idle usage between 9.7Ghz-11.8Ghz. 12Ghz on speedtest. htop shows almost no cpu usage by processes Capture


Kernel Log: https://pastebin.com/StDBNtnE

Ysurac commented 2 months ago

If your VM allow it (else the option is not displayed), you can try to change Scaling governor in System->OpenMPTCProuter, "Advanced settings" tab.

darkmaniac7 commented 2 months ago

If your VM allow it (else the option is not displayed), you can try to change Scaling governor in System->OpenMPTCProuter, "Advanced settings" tab.

Unfortunately it doesn't appear that it does, can I make any changes to it elsewhere or any other logs that may indicate what's taking up so much CPU? Performance is fine, it just uses a lot more CPU now.

Ysurac commented 2 months ago

If it doesn't appear than you can't change it. I don't have this problem on x86_64 but I'm using 6.6 snapshot now. What do you have in Status->System log ?

darkmaniac7 commented 2 months ago

This is what I have, most of the identifying info is changed. Let me know if you need the original.


Ysurac commented 2 months ago

Seems that VPN Glorytun doesn't work correctly. Try another one in System->OpenMPTCProuter, Wizard tab, advanced settings checkbox. Default is now "OpenVPN TCP".

darkmaniac7 commented 2 months ago

Seems that VPN Glorytun doesn't work correctly. Try another one in System->OpenMPTCProuter, Wizard tab, advanced settings checkbox. Default is now "OpenVPN TCP".

That fixed that issue in the System Log, thanks!

Same issue regarding CPU usage however, which is strange since no process appears to be using it more than 2% CPU.

Wlanfr3ak commented 1 month ago

I have the same CPU bug (started a few days after upgrading). I now fresh installed router and dont use backup file and reconfigured manually. Will test but the first steps are looking better.

darkmaniac7 commented 1 month ago

I have the same CPU bug (started a few days after upgrading). I now fresh installed router and dont use backup file and reconfigured manually. Will test but the first steps are looking better.

I saw the same, but when setting a lot of the settings the same I encountered VPN issues (IPSEC VPN with another Location), Teamviewer and port forwarding not working, etc. So I just stuck with the backup config. When doing a fresh install and rebuilding the config it does lower CPU Usage to typical levels, but for me is unusable even if I disable shorewall on the VPS Port Forwards, VPN, etc. didn't work.

Not really an issue but when using the 5.4 to 6.1 config the WAN Sources show up as not working but internet is working just fine. Not sure if there is a way to fix that either.

Ultimately the server is an i9-11900F in a mini 1u server so it can handle that load. But I'd prefer it didn't.


Ysurac commented 1 month ago

You can try 6.6 snapshot (it will work with VPS on 6.1).

Ysurac commented 1 month ago

Do you have high CPU usage on idle or only when using it ?

darkmaniac7 commented 1 month ago

Do you have high CPU usage on idle or only when using it ?

Both, When Idle and using it doesn't seem to change much. 11-14Ghz


darkmaniac7 commented 1 month ago

Just wanted to update. I tried loading the config from 5.4 to 6.6 but it resulted in the same very High CPU usage. Eventually I just rebuilt from scratch using the 6.6 Snapshot and all seems well now, port forwards are working and CPU usage is back down to 4-750mhz.

hhaniel commented 22 hours ago

I found the problem to be down to the omr-tracker - I now do a ping test every 10 seconds or so and that has reduced the cpu usage of the VM quite drastically - I am also hoping that reducing the agressiveness of the OMR tracker may stop my interfaces going up and down like a yo yo.